
On Thursday I always have to get up early. At work I start at 8 instead of the usual 9.30. This means on Wednesday I try to get in bed in time. I turned of the TV directly after dinner. Then I did the dishes while listening to Omnia. Now I’m reading my bookmarks and am writing here. After this I’m going to read and go to bed. At the moment I am rereading Nabokov’s Lolita. A very brilliant work which I have only read once and a long time ago. So it is about time. I do want to keep reading and have finished it soon. My previous book took me months, which is not the way to go. The more so because I have a Master’s in English language. I should be able to read more.

At work I have been very busy today. A lot of new last minute translation jobs in combination with an already long list of ongoing projects. My team leader offered to help me delivering translations so that I could focus on finding translators for the new jobs. It was crazy.

The one reason I’m writing again in here is that I have recently become uncle. Last Friday my brother’s wife gave birth to a little girl. The same evening I was with them to meet this new born person.

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