Where my life is at right now
Ok so I have just had a read through my last few entries from 4 years ago! Wow. I think it would be good to do a little update on where my life is at the moment.
So I am now 42 – how did that happen? That feels crazy to me. I am officially a proper adult. I have a few grey hairs and everything – sad times. i am still single. I have not dated since 2016! Not so much as kissed a man. And I don’t even care. I really can’t be bothered with it all. I have spent the last few years focusing on the kids etc and its been good. That is not to say that I will NEVER date again. I like to think there might be a man in my future. But I am ok if there isn’t. I am still working for the same job although I got a small promotion to the Customer Relations dept. So now I deal with complaint all day. YAY! hahah – but honestly, maybe I am sadistic or something but I really love it. I am still trying to lose weight – story of my life. Over the whole COVID pandemic thing I just gained so much weight argh. However, I have now lost 2 stone and I am focused so I am sure I will be successful this time and get to where I want to be.
My kids are so grown up now. Lauren is 16 (nearly 17) – can you believe it? I can’t hah. She is amazing. Truly. I know all parents think that but she is. She got top top grades in her GCSES. She’s now doing A levels and she is looking to study politics or sociology at Uni in a year and a half’s time. She was thinking of applying to universities far away but now is looking to stay close to home, much to my relief. I am not ready for her to move away. She has an amazing group of friends and has just secured her first Saturday job in a local florist. She is so caring and always makes sure i get gifts on birthdays, Mothers day and Christmas etc. She is just awesome.
Joe is 15 and is also doing really well at school. He somehow manages to be late most days despite us living a 2 minute walk away but hey ho – teenage boys – what can you do? He is a good kid and very sensible. He is currently studying for his GCSES and is doing well. He spends longer than i would like on video games but he spends no time at all hanging around on street corners – so meh! I choose my battles. Haha. He is so good at keeping his space clean and he often surprises me saying “mum by the way, I cleaned the bathroom”. He is a star.
Liam has just turned 14 and he is still my baby (although he would kill me if he heard me say that). He has been suffering with anxiety for the last year and half or so. It is a longggggg story (which I will probably do a separate entry on) but yeah it has been super tough. We have worked through it and he is getting there. He is absolutely amazing. He cooks wonderful meals, he can fix anything and is just an all round ray of sunshine. He bring me a coffee every day.
We have 2 new additions to the family as well!. Loki and Derry – two tabby cats. Well in June 2018 we got twin tabby kittens who we called Loki and Milo. They were so gorgeous and made such a difference to our lives. I am an official crazy cat lady for sure. Then on 9th November 2020 (Joe’s birthday), Milo was hit and killed by a car. We were devastated – truly. Way way more affected than I imagined we would be. He was only 2. Anyway we were going to wait a while before getting a new cat but Lauren started browsing local selling sites “just in case”. I said “well I won’t consider getting a new one yet unless the absolute perfect cat appears very very locally” (I still can’t drive). Well guess what happened? The perfect cat appeared one street away. So we had to get him, I felt a little but like I was betraying Milo, but the night we got Derry and he crawled onto my chest and purred in my ear, I knew we had done the right thing. He helped to heal our broken hearts. Loki gets on ok with him. They have a typical brotherly love hate relationship.
So that’s my little family right now. Life is ok….ticking along. Time is going by so very fast. I have a lot to report on my extended family, my parents, siblings, Chris (ex husband), his sister, his mother. ……the list goes on. But I will save those for future entries. For now, it is Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining, the cats are purring and I am relaxing and drinking coffee. Lauren is out with friends, Joe is watching a movie and Liam is shouting to a friend on his microphone (something about killing someone on Fortnite – idk!). Life is peaceful. And if the last few years have taught me anything it is ….peace is precious.
Hi, I was just browsing entries and found yours. I could relate somewhat. I’m 44, will be 45 in May and I haven’t dated in about 4 yrs. I’m very happy on my own and am in no way interested in dating anyone now. Do I think it’ll remain this way forever? Quite possibly! I just find that I’m happier not sharing my space with anyone. I have my dogs (instead of cats) that are my life! My kids are grown and moved out. I see them every once in awhile! I look forward to reading more about you.
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I hear ya, I’m 32 where did the time go really?!
I would love to connect with you despite our age gap we actually share quite a bit in common.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to comment. I was just thinking I need to start posting more again and boom I get a notification saying you commented. So thanks
@supersarah I love this platform and that it brings people together
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