Insomnia (Poem)
Here is a little poem for you all.
If I fall asleep now I will have 8 hours,
That’s more than enough.
Most nights I only get 4 or 5,
And wake up feeling rough.
If I fall asleep now I will have 7 hours,
That’s still, I’d say, a surplus.
But even as I close my eyes,
I start to feel quite nervous.
If I fall asleep now I will have 6 hours,
That’s still a decent sleep.
So come on! Switch off brain,
Don’t start me counting sheep!
If I fall asleep now I will have 5 hours,
That’s going to have to do.
I’ll clear my mind of all my thoughts,
Oh damn I need the loo.
If I fall asleep now I will have 4 hours,
I’m going to be so tired.
What if I fall asleep at work?
I hope I don’t get fired
If I fall asleep now I will have 3 hours,
Is that too much to ask?
Who would have dreamed going to sleep
Would be such a mammoth task?
If I fall asleep now I will have 2 hours,
I suppose it is better than nothing.
Maybe if I pretend to sleep,
My brain won’t realise I’m bluffing.
If I fall asleep now I will have 1 hour,
so I’m not trying any more.
Forget it I will just have no sleep,
And that’s when I start to snore.
LOVE!!!!!! Absolutely brill.
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