Pirate Wedding

I’m probably not going to paint the best picture of this…I really need to get my hands on the pics from Rob’s facebook account, but I know if I asked him he’d be suspicious. It was his cousin’s wedding afterall, but fo’ real?! Pirates?

So, Rob I were supposed to go to his parents place 2 weekends ago, but we both were sick and didn’t end up going. It was kind of a strange invite. Rob’s cousin, her husband and 2 kids (one a wee little baby…awwww) were going to be there for Sunday dinner too. Apparently the whole reason for this get-together was to get Rob back in touch with his cousin. We saw her at Gramma’s funeral in February, but apparently the last time they saw each other before that was 15 or 20 years ago (and we live in the same city). So, we kind of thought it was weird, and because I absolutely hate meeting new people I was freaking out a bit. How am I going to make conversation. What will we talk about. And Rob had this lightbulb go off – we both got married around the same time so he figured we could talk about wedding stuff – bring albums and look at pics that kind of thing. So he added his cousin on facebook and was going to send her a message to bring her wedding album to dinner (when we thought we were still going, before the sickness moved in). Before he sent her the message he was surfing around her profile a bit and she had some of her wedding pics posted. So he called me to come look at them… WTF?! At first I thought they had a Renaissance style wedding – I saw long heavy velvet dresses, swords, that type of thing. But when I looked closer I noticed that the groom was wearing an eye patch. What the hell? I saw him at the funeral – he has 2 working eyes…and then I saw it…the stuffed animal parrot sewn to his shoulder. He was dressed like a freaking pirate! His bride (Rob’s cousin) was dressed as a fricking pirate wench for her own wedding. The bridesmaids were all dressed up like wenches and the groomsmen like pirates. Right down to the grubby hair and stubbly faces. And of course the previously mentioned eye patch. WTF would I possibly have in common with this girl to talk about. I mean, to each their own…but I knew as soon as I saw those pictures, and then realized that she was 8 months pregnant under her wenches costume, we’d have very little to talk about. I laughed until I cried when I saw their wedding pics. Not my cup of tea at all. I’m kind of glad we were sick and missed the dinner party. I’m sure at some point though we’ll meet and will have to drum up some conversation. I just hope I can do it with a straight face.

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April 9, 2009

This is pretty funny. I could never, ever, ever do something like that, but I think it’d be entertaining. Right down to the parrot sew to his shoulder. lol:)

April 9, 2009

Oh. My. God. That’s hilarious. I imagine they had fun though!

ryn: thank you for the b-day wishes! 🙂 AND – this entry completely cracked me up. I love it.

April 9, 2009

Wow…lucky you have some time to figure out how to pull off the straight face!

April 10, 2009

Ok, that’s hysterical!

haha, that’s HILARIOUS! if they had a wedding like that I can’t imagine they took it seriously though…

April 14, 2009

OH my, a pirate wedding?! I love Pirates of the Caribbean as much as the next person, but wow. lol. To each their own! RYN: I have sooo many questions about the surgery! Did they do it through laproscopy? Did you spend the night in the hospital? What was recovery like? Painful? I’d appreciate it if you could tell me everything you remember! I’m so nervous. Thanks =)