surprise, it’s me again
Yes, it’s really me! I know, I know. I hope everyone was sitting down when they saw that I had updated yet again!
I’ve been watching Pink’s son, MB for her for the past couple of weeks, so I have a little more time to just sit around on the computer. You will have to go to her diary to get the whole rundown, if you are not up on it yet. I’m sure she will be one of the first to note this entry, so, since I am too lazy and don’t want to take the time to learn how to put in a link, you’ll have to use that to get to her diary. LOL
Anyway, after Pink got home last night, we were sitting here visiting when the phone rang. When I looked at the caller ID I knew I HAD to take this call! It was the lady from one of the temp agencies/placement offices that I have applied to for aid in finding a job. She has a couple positions that she wanted to submit my resume to the company for! I agreed to have her submit my resume for both positions, and am hoping that I will be accepted for at least ONE of them. It would be so nice to actually have some real money coming in! The positions are for two weeks, and three weeks, and the pay is not what I was really hoping for, but I need SOMETHING soon! At least that would help me to be able to have a little bit of Christmas, and she would be able to get some sort of reference to tell prospective employers for full time employment. It seems that the employers she works with are leary of hiring someone who hasn’t been employed in over a year. Not that I could blame them, but sheesh, everyone has to know how the market has been! Of course, I know I haven’t been looking all THAT hard for a job most of the year, but I HAVE been submitting my resume for jobs that I am qualified for all year long! I haven’t even had ONE callback on any of the positions I’ve submitted my resume for, so it is quite exciting now to hear that I might actually have some income soon, even if it is only for two weeks or three weeks.
I also got an email from Mom last night. G, my brother who is home on R&R leave from Iraq, went up to the farm this past weekend, and went hunting for deer. His wife had sent in and got three licenses for deer for him. So he decided to go up and see what he could do. Within three hours, he had all three of his deer! So that means that his family will most likely have enough meat to last through the winter! What a financial windfall that would be! Could you imagine not having to buy meat for most of the winter? I’m so glad he was able to get all of them. (of course, since he will be gone till probably May or June, he might not get to share in most of it!) LOL But it will be great for his family! Perhaps that will help them to save some money and perhaps get a house for themselves. They are renting right now, and they really need to get into a bigger house. Four kids, and they are living in what is legally a 3 bedroom/1 bath house. There are two rooms in the basement which COULD be used as bedrooms, but not really legally, as they don’t have egress windows in them. Plus, most of the kids are still too small to be down in the basement, so only the 8 year old is down there in one of the bedrooms. The two youngest boys are sharing a room upstairs, and the girl is in her own room. They could really, really benefit from having a larger house, and one that they have purchased. SIL was telling me about a possibility that she had heard about. Seems one of the kids in her Cub Scout troop’s parents were building a house not far out of town. They had the basement finished last fall, when his father passed away. Since then, they have decided to abandon building their own house, and are moving into his father’s house. So they are willing to sell that house at a reduced cost. It has a heated shop already built on the land, and as I said the basement is finished, just need to build the house on top of the basement. He also said that he has lots of lumber, etc. in the heated shop with which to build the house. It sounds perfect for them! SIL wasn’t sure that G would want to go out and look at it when he was home, but I told him about it when I saw him, and he seemed to be extremely interested, so I just have to wait and see if they went to check it out. If they did, I can’t wait to hear what comes of it! It would be so nice if they could get that! I just want to see them in their own house! They deserve it!
I was glad to see that Congress passed higher wages for the military, but upset that it was STILL only a 4% raise. They deserve so much more of a raise than that. I’m not sure about G’s family, rank and pay scale, but when I was enlisted, one of my friends had two kids, and was an E-4. He told me that on his pay scale, he was considered to be below the poverty level, with his two kids, and did not even have to pay a single penny in taxes! Now, that was an E4! How can they justify that for someone who is an E1 or E2? That is just outrageous, in my book! These are the people who put their lives on the line for us every day! Some thanks, huh?
Well, enough ranting…. hope everyone’s day goes well.
Who said I would note first? I don’t think I will. So there.
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They have very quietly been culling the deer herds around here. Now the coyotes have been taking quite a few of the fawns. I don’t know what they have been doing with the meat from those that they have culled. I think it would probably taste like oak trees from the acorns the deer have been eating. (C)
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Judging from the couple of times I have had venison I think its safe to say you have to know how to cook it. It is either great or garbage, depending on the cook! 🙂 – – – –
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Hey… Do they have a real estate agent? 😀
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Hey, Oprah had one of those vaccuum sealers on her show yesterday. Meat will keep for THREE years in the freezer when it is vaccuum sealed!
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I will be so glad when your brother gets out of the service and I do hope they are able to get that home. I think it is a disgrace what our servicemen are paid…a downright shame. I hope you get the job! Wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving if I don’t get around again before. I am having a pity party because I am slaving away in the kitchen. Richard and John just called and said that they>>
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took a bump so they could get free tickets on their next flights on Northwest. Don’t know if they will make it in tonight. Waiting to hear from them. They are going to be dragging me all over Dallas the day after Thanksgiving. I love shopping with them because they know where all the neat shops are but…lordy mercy…they wear me out! Luv, 🙂
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I’ve always heard that if a deer is shot while running, it is very tough to eat and has an odd taste because of the adrenalin rush. I hope G and his family can get that house. i hope you get that job. *~Happy Thanksgiving*~ Hugs,
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Hi Sunshinefriend!! I think I know what you were most thankful for: having your brother home from Iraq?? Hope things work out for you job-wise; nice to see you again. Hugs to you..
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Hey I have the Hometown newspaper from last week. Nice pics of G and family. One of him and your parents too. Nice story! Favorite quote “I went from sand and nothing–to Camp Snoopy.”
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