Fuck yes for Linux!

You may have heard that Taylor wasn’t feeling well.. you might have not. Windows 10 is great but holy fuck, is it ever annoying!!! The internet signal was very wobbly, going off and online. Very weak too. So, I d/led Kubuntu and et voila. Problem solved. If I really want Windows, I will download a virtual machines software like Gnome Boxes and Bob’s your uncle. Truly. LOL!!!!

Listening to what I call hillbilly music. CCR. The best of them all. “Bad Moon Rising”. I call it that bc my sis Bees who is obsessed with southern culture, loves it that way too…

Anyways, Toulouse-Lautrec, as I say at times where I don’t have anything to say… LOL!!!



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August 8, 2020

what are these things you fixed your laptop with? I have never heard of any of them….I should know this but I don’t…sorry for being so dam old.

August 8, 2020

@jaythesmartone Linux is an os. And yes.

August 8, 2020

Sammy, if anything ever goes wrong with my laptop, I’m going to visit you, ok? Let you do your thing. I’ll bring you some Papa Johns, okay?

August 9, 2020

@heffay Deal. 😀