Job loss
I got a raise at work and then I realized a change. They wanted to get rid of me! 3 shifts and 4 days later I was let go. Its not clear if I was laid off or fired but it is shocking. Its also happening at the slowest time of year so its hard to find another job. Another insult to injury is that the Company I worked for, owns several companies in the state. I have to make sure that when I apply the next place, its with a different company. Its just upsetting. I am trying, however, to take this as a chance to re-invent myself. Did I love my job? No way. Now I have time to see what else is out there and maybe pick a different path. Maybe I need to go back to school. Its scary, and hurtful.
I also downloaded several new apps. 1 to watch my mood. I want to be a more positive person. 1 for migraines. Maybe there is a pattern forming as I get older that I haven’t seen yet. 1 differently online journal. I love looking for patterns!
Gosh, I’m sorry you were put through that. Been there… it’s a shitty feeling. The good news is that it’s not your fault and it doesn’t reflect on your character. Some folks are just assholes. The right opportunity will come along. Try temp agencies… they helped put me in the business I like.
What mood app did you get?? I have had Sanvello for some time. It’s rather nice
@thenerve I downloaded the following apps: Reflectly, Migraine Buddy, and Daylio. I realize that I have a habit of pointing things out so I’ll say like “Yea its nice, for winter but the snow is coming”. Then its like “Why did I have to add on that end negativity? What is wrong with just being happy?” Something to look at.
@sunnyeyes3 – Well, depends on how you look at snow… in my case, that would be the height of positivity, I ADORE snow like there’s no tomorrow. It’s all a matter of the glass you look through! Sometimes it’s not a matter of making something into a negative or positive, but changing your looking glass.
That said… interesting apps, I’ll have to check them out. Not the migraine ones, since I don’t get them, but the other two.
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Now you are free to create the kind of life that you want. I like the suggestion of a temp agency to get a feel for different job possibilities. Having said that, I’m really sorry you lost your job. I once lost a job too and it’s not easy but I just know you will bounce back on your feet.
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Oh fsck. I’m sorry honey.
That’s good for you to watch your moods love.
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Ouch! I’m sorry that happened. Even though you didn’t love your job, it’d been preferable for it to be on your terms. Keep your head up!
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