My slutty past pt 2.

Much to Paul’s dismay, I still saw Will a lot, he did take me to school afterall so I had to keep him in my good books.  What was I meant to catch the bus??

Will found out about Paul when he was reformatting my PC one night and all my files were on his computer.  He had all my chat logs, from when we started cheating, right up to the "I love you"s.  He spat it for a while but he came around and we still hung out.

Paul and I became official after that, since it was all out in the open anyways.  Things were good but I took them for granted, and still spent most of my time with Will, mainly because I felt guilty and felt like I had a responsibilty to him still.

Will was in for revenge and wanted me back. It probably took less than 6 months for him to wear me down and I slept with him again.  I treated Paul so badly and I still feel bad for that now. Even though I was his girlfriend I used to spend every weeknight with Will and all my time at school and then call him crazy when he got mad at me.

I forgot to mention that Will had a girlfriend by now and he liked to use that against me all he could.

I think it was about 13 months into my relationship with Paul when he found out officially that I was sleeping with Will.  Some girl tricked me on msn and I told her everything.  Paul went off his head and Will ran to Dover where he knew his girlfriend couldn’t find him to dump him.

I managed to talk Paul around, he slept with me that night and spent the next day with me but then told me nothing had changed.

He eventually came around on the condition that I no longer talked to Will.  I agreed and managed to hold out for a while because he was being a douche to me anyway in order to keep his own girlfriend.

I did start seeing him again though.  I read through my old OD entries and it sounded like I really hated Paul.  But from what I remember Will was on my favs so I had to make it sound that way.  I didn’t like sex with Paul at the time, it was really slow and he always took forever to cum.  Will however, even though he was so small, he was exciting, and I was always telling him no but he used to tease me until I said yes so it seemed so much better.

Paul finally spat it one night when I told him I’d gone to bed but really gone to Will’s. He drove 45 mins to check on me and saw my car hiding around the back of Will’s place.  All I remember is Will’s door slamming open and having the doona that I was under ripped off of me.  Paul dragged me out into the street and called me everything under the sun then left.

After that WIll lost interest because I was trying to lean on him so much and the challenge had gone for him. He used to see me maybe once or twice a week, to keep me hanging on. Or just when he was horny. He still had the same gf.

I’d gone from having two boys to having none.  Will I realised was a douchebag for the first time ever.  Paul I was glad to be free of for a while, then I started to miss him and realised what I moron I was.

More to come.

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