the one

 They say a father should always love his daughter because she will love the same way he does. I call bull. My father? Never loved. Never called. Never cared. According to statistics, I should be the same way. I should be addicted to drugs, self harming or be involved in promiscuous acts, all because I don’t have a father in my life.You know what? I WOULD be all those things if he was in my life. I’m better off without a dead beat father. I’m better off alone. I am a great lover, a wonderful girlfriend and a loving daughter, sister and aunt. I’m a compassionate student and a supportive best friend. I didn’t learn that from my father. I learned what NOT to do from him. So to everyone that says the absence of my father is a bad thing. I’m the one statistic that proves otherwise. 

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omg… I remember that beautiful face from OD visits passed.

January 15, 2014

I wonder if the child is more harmed by having parent/s who changed for the negative during the child’s conscious life, eg. a mother who is warm, loving, and supportive for the first eight years, then she has a life event which causes her to descend rapidly away from the previous.

You are so attractive that they’ve just kept your photo on the OD front page for days!

January 19, 2014

You’re obviously convinced love is the answer. I’ll believe it when we don’t buy Nike shoes because some kid in the third world in a factory is proving how deeply we care about our own. It’s all bull**** that people say to try to validate themselves. Now validating yourself isn’t a bad thing, it’s how things get done, but you gotta realize, it’s all lip service for the mirror, the church, the police, and the doctors. Maybe I’m just cynical.