home sweet home

Today’s adventure begins with a wake up call (and several cups of coffee immediately after) and news that grandma and grandpa have received info about our revised flight plans (way to go, agent!) We spent the day in Seattle- having rented a car for the day- reminiscing and "reliving" our former city life. Sounds uber cheesy (and it is) but I think we all needed it. Family bonding to the max! I unexpectedly stopped by an old friend of mine, Kariann’s house and chatted with her. Talk about weird. It’s so… different seeing her again. We were best friends in sixth grade and that’s the last time I saw her. The whole town of Bothell (a suburb outside of Seattle) is different. I don’t like it. It’s becoming increasingly urban and densely populated. I remember it being very conservative and historical. THANKS A LOT CONSTRUCTION, YOU’RE RUINING PRECIOUS MEMORIES! Ugh. Although you’d think the after the plane ride from Seattle to Great Falls would have me desensitized to the city life with all the sky scrapers we flew over and the lights lighting up the night sky like it was day. I was not desensitized. More like mesmerized. As much as I hate the modernizing of Bothell, the view from the plane is marvelous. I’m such a hypocrite. Lol. The ground view of Montana, on the other hand… not so impressive. And driving through Canada in the darkest hours of the night doesn’t exactly advertize it’s countries best features. Tonight, we sleep in the comfort of grandpa Frank and grandma Ellen’s home, at last. Destination arrived. Finally.

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