combination love

I want a love forever in the honeymoon phase,
Where the butterflies never die,
And the uncertainty of your lips always collide with mine
That our bubble is always full of liveliness and a love that never dies
Your vibrant eyes and my giddy smile

I crave an endless passion
Entangled in white sheets
While the moonlight dances on your skin
The kind that has lust pulsing through my veins, an uncontrollable desire
Drunk on the act of loving you
That stare you’d give me,
The one that says you want me,
And my the way my eager hips move,
Saying I want you more

I want a warm, everlasting love
The movie romance type of love
Where the sunset wouldn’t be in the sky
But instead in your heart
Where the fire wouldn’t burn in the pit
But the sparks emit from the touch of our lips
The stars would whisper your name
As a song while we danced
Time would simply pass us by
As we lost ourselves in love
My content smile,
Staring at your blissful eyes.

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December 22, 2013

Beautiful 🙂

December 23, 2013

Yeah, the honeymoon phase is the best. Not that I would know, but I’ve heard good **** about it. Heard it pretty much crashes, burns, and then transforms into the average marriage filled with regret and listlessness. Yay.

December 23, 2013

RYN: I’m just real tired of the same crap. Good guy comes along and I get friendzoned while they tell me they wish they had a girlfriend LIKE me. Then all the jerks come around pretending to be a good guy and I end up getting hurt. Can’t people stop playing games and be honest about what they want from the get go?