Tagged by the Duck

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write an entry with 10 weird, random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you tagged them.

1. I’ve moved a lot my whole life, 3 different states and 8 different schools. I get the urge for a change of location every 3 or 4 years…

2. I met my best friend Courtney because I randomly asked to sleep over at her house after a mutual Halloween party we were supposed to go to got canceled. The rest is history.

3. I’m very indecisive, but once I do manage to make a decision I tend to stick to it…..for the most part

4. The most interesting scar I have…I got from color guard. I thought it was a good idea to catch the flag with my face and had to get seven stitches in my forehead right before a show. I performed with a mild concussion anyways.

5. I sometimes get so sucked into my work that I forget about things such as eating or sleeping….it’s a bad habit of mine.

6. I love anime, I’m not completely obsessed with it and have the desire to LIVE the life of anime, but I enjoy watching pirated episodes.

7. I’m a Set Design major. Before that I wanted to be a fine arts major….and before that I wanted to be a math major.

8. I grew up being surrounded by guys, from my two older brothers to my two older "cousins" and all the boys on my street. I’m the way I am because of it.

9. I love bodies of water. I could do nothing but sit by a lake for the rest of my life and be happy.

10. I love solitude sometimes, I live and breath off it. It’s not that I don’t enjoy people or that I’m anti-social, I just always have to go off on my own time and time again when things get to the point where I’m about to go insane. It used to come from me being afraid to rely on anybody, but I’ve transformed it to be more of a mental and emotional release.

Im not going to tag anybody. Cause Courtney has already done it….

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September 26, 2007

Muahaha. The non-Halloween party.