First Snowfall

So I wake up this morning, cause nature called me, and glanced outside the window across the room and saw that there was snow! And there’s actually a decent amount of it, and it’s actually sticking on the ground, and it’s STILL snowing.

The only part that sucks about the snow is that now if i want to do my laundry…I have to trudge through the snow.

So laundry is off the list of things to do today, I still have a few shirts left. So it’s not so bad.

So, here’s a recap of life since my last update.

Thanksgiving was pretty stellar. Went up to Courtney’s Tuesday night. Good old diner time with Maria and her. Also witnessing the first bonding of Dweezle and Anubis the next day. Wednesday night rode home with my aunt. Got surprised by Eric and Seth and ended up going out to Price Chopper to buy some Mitch and Gatorade! We proceeded to induct Seth into the holiness that is Mitch and Gatorade.

Turkey Day was definately fun. Watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and passed judgement on every marching band and pointed out all their flaws. Watched bits and pieces of the doggy show, but mostly I sat around and helped cook, and read until we ate dinner. My aunt and grandmother were up, and we had the E’s over. And then later on in the night Mark came over and THAT’S where the fun started. Catch Phrase, the game that pretty much defines my families existence, was played under great intoxication of the majority of participants. Two of the great moments are as follows. The first is a classic from Brian (my second oldest brother) to Keith…

"It’s often mistaken for China!" "Japan!"

You would understand the greatness that is this statement if you are one of the few that knows about "titty mouse catchers" and the that "alabama is the capital of " "georgia!". The next comes from Mark. The 39 year old gay bartender.

"I’m a fireman, here is my…." "HOSE!"

We made a great catch phrase pair all night. And we made an even better Scene It team!!

So, as accustomed with my family and an Irish Thanksgiving, we all feel into a drunken stupor/sleep and didn’t wake up until about noon.

Black Friday. I didn’t shop. I’m not insane. Instead, Allison and I went to Pasquale’s for lunch and then back to my house to watch some Fox and the Hound and wait for Jason to come to the house to go to Poker Night. Poker night was the highlight of the entire weekend. Tons of fun and mass enjoyment, another very interesting game of Catch Phrase. Some Wii-ing. Asshole….Oh yeah. Poker too. I won all the money! After the events and excitement had died down, Jason and I went back to my house so I could get all my stuff packed up to bring to his house. And we drove up to Bville at about midnight.

The next day was banquet for Brigs. And what an interesting one it was. First off I was in a dress, the dress my mom wore to Roger’s wedding. So we go to this Irish restuarant, where they had rented out a room for our Brigadier Festivities. So everything is going well and good, we’re all sitting around and talking and eating and we listened to awards.

After awards is when it gets fun. I’m standing talking to Jason when Jon walks over. Now, Jason, Sue, Jon and I had sat at the same table and talked for a while tonight, so we didn’t really think anything of it. That was, until he asked Jason if he could talk to me alone. Insert silent glares here. Jason also said that he was staying, cause he knew he would hear about anything that was said later anyways. So Jon continued to go on about the fact that he didn’t understand why I still was upset/pissed/holding a grudge over what had occured last year. That he wanted to be friends again and to be close like we were again, and that he thought he still might be something more to how he looks at me than he thought. For those who don’t understand what he really wanted to say. Fail. During this whole thing, I’m absolutely silent and back against a wall and stay as close to Jason as possible. He held out his hand for me to shake it and I just stared at it and glared at him and he walked away. Later on, as we were leaving, he had gone up to Jason and said "no hard feelings" where Jason responded with "sure" and Jon says "You’re a good guy. Jason stared at him for a while before saying "You’re lucky I’m a good guy."

That was all forgotten for the moment however as Jason and I went back to his house where we spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating popcorn and drinking hot cocoa. The next day I left on the bus from Syracuse and arrived at Purchase about 10 hours later.

Since then it’s been a hurricaine of a shit load of work and me wating and anxious for the end of the semester.

Than it snowed this morning. And life seemed complete.


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December 2, 2007

you should have kicked him in the balls.