I’m a fanson

I just had a great dream about hanson.

the louisville concert was right by my house, and they were doing two shows a couple days apart. for the first one, I had slept on the street and gotten second row (just like real life). for the second one, I was sitting in my room, listening to hanson music and doing homework a few hours before the concert. isaac walked in at one point to talk to me briefly on his way to the venue. my brother came in, and I begged him to come stand in line with me and just play cards with me for a while. he refused.

I was listening to this hanson song that is a twist off of that oldie that goes, “to everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn” – wouldn’t that actually be a great cover for hanson to do? – when zac walked in the room, because he heard me playing the song. he came over to talk to me about it, and then actually sat on my bed to continue talking (and I was thinking, “he’s sitting on my bed, he’s sitting on my bed!!”)

all of a sudden, the line for the concert was getting incredibly long, and I was mad at myself for not getting in line sooner. I rushed for the line, and my brother was actually in it! without a word, I assumed he was holding my place, and wedged myself in. at first he argued with me, but I assumed he was joking.

I woke up soon after that, thinking I needed to write this dream down. I’m not really sure why. it’s just a dream. I had a few other hanson dreams in august, but I didn’t write any of those down.

it’s frustrating to be in between concerts right now. the concerts are a month apart. originally they were only a week apart, but one got moved. in louisville, it was the fourth show in a row for hanson (last one before a “break” for them), and I could tell that the guys were worn out. the next one is going to be the LAST one of the tour….I wonder if they’ll be worn out again? even worse? or maybe they’ll make it a great show because of the fact that it’ll be the last one. I hope.

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