You can close your eyes, it’s alright…

Firstly, I’d like to say that I have never been more hungover or felt worse than I do right now. The pain.. it’s almost inhuman.

Secondly, I’d like to say that I met the sweetest boy in the world last night.

I went to this party at the cricket club with Rose and Holly. It was a bit awkward at first, but everyone got into the swing of things (and some of us heavily into the vodka) and it turned out really well.

This boy was so fit. I say boy because he was sweet, and nice, and just like.. not like ‘a man’. Hard to explain. This is going to be such a self indulgent entry, you have been warned. Anyway, I digress. This boy. Rose thought he was really fit, and so I went off to tell him that she liked him. But somehow ended up going off with him for quite a while. My honest, honest to God intention was to get him to go and talk to Rose, but we got chatting and.. stayed chatting for at least an hour, outside, in the cold.

What got me was how sweet he was. He gave me his top because I was cold, and I ended up sitting in front of him, between his legs (we were sitting on the grass), leaning back against him with his arms around my waist. It was so lovely – we didn’t pull or anything, which I’m very glad about, because it was just so nice being cuddly. We were holding hands too – the proper way, with linked fingers. And this is so embarassing – I can’t believe I’m being so soppy! We were just chatting about everything. He was so insecure, he kept saying ‘tomorrow you’re going to be like – why was I talking to that boy?’ and I kept reassuring him that I liked talking to him very much. He also insisted that he wasn’t good looking (which I insisted very strongly against, many times) and other such things. We were talking a lot about liking someone who likes someone else – he was in that situation, and in a funny way so am I. I, in my drunken state, left a very gushing message in his outbox when I was playing with his phone, telling him (from what I remember) that he was very fit, and sweet, and I did a lot of kisses. I remember finding writing texts very hard. More embarassment – I sent him a text when he left, telling him he was fit again – do I have no restraint? – and not to worry about the girl that he likes.

He texted me today, the sweetest text – “Dear Emily. Sorry about t delay, but im @ work! Cheers 4 saying all that sweet stuff, it if remember correctly you’re pretty damn cool yourself! Doug” How cute? I texted him back, quite a flirtatious text, but he hasn’t replied. I hope I didn’t scare him off, especially as he doesn’t fancy me. I should probably try and be less scary.

I’d just like to iterate that Rose is completely fine with me liking him, as she says, she’s already got Emma and so couldn’t have done anything with him anyway. I still feel bad though.

Ok. My life apart from him. I went (in my hungover state, with Rose, who was also as bad) to a meeting of school student activists to plan a walkout on the day of the war. They’re all so political and know exactly what they’re talking about – and I’m so unpolitical and have no idea! I kept having to leave as well, because I thought I was going to be sick. It was good though, in an unorganised way.

Kentwell was great, I had such a lovely time and it was really nice to catch up with all my wonderful friends 🙂

Ok, gotta get some sleep – five cans of Red Bull last night (with vodka in, of course) wasn’t exactly conductive to my sleeping last night.

lots of love (and don’t tell anyone how silly I’ve been being)



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Well, Red Bull does give you wings! Rawk on. Jenn

March 16, 2003

teehee. i love the rose on your DD. it’s so prettifulllllll

Ugh. Infatuation rocks like no other feeling. …and it’s even worth being hungover for. Good luck with el’ Doug. 😉

March 16, 2003

Awww, Doug sounds lovely. You never know, you might get together, he sounds really sweet. Good luck with him.

I’m jealous, it let you save an entry but it won’t let me save an entry…and I actually have something interesting to write about instead of my usual boring crap. Anwyay, that’s a very cute story about the boy you met last night, and hopefully you’ll get to spend a lot more time cuddling with him in the future:)

Sounds suspiciously like a crush to me! yay! I hope you get over your hangover soon! And yay for flirtage, but I’m not quite sure about his girlfriend, having only seen the damn girl once and him not really EVER talking about her??!! Men – they are so confusing!

What were you doing at a cricket club? Bless you and nice cuddly boy. What kind of a name is Doug though? It’s my birthday! Yay! Send me my present NOW! I mean, if you don’t want to send my present don’t worry, there’s no rush. Hehe. You don’t need an A in Chemistry, providing you have an A in Biology or Physics or Maths. Which I don’t. Birthday yay! Am old. Love Katyxx

ha red bull is great…i hope you feel better and best of wishes with him

awwww you sound like me, hehe… sitting with their arms around you is the sweetest thing, yay for you (“,) that’s a lovely memory, ahh i’ve gone all daft and soppy on your behalf. i hope you feel a lot better and glad you had fun in kentwell… is that how you spell it, i’ve forgotten :oS hehe, love loads!!! SUMMER!!!!pink sparkly crayons xxxxx

awww he sounds sweet!

March 26, 2003

Loverly Doug. :o) I need to catch up on all your entries. So my notes shall we short and to the point. Accompanied by kisses. Thus: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love