Triviality and Bad Grammar

Not that this entry contains either. Well, maybe bad grammar. And a little triviality, but not for a while.

I had to make this entry, because, The Hot One, it won’t let me send you notes! And I’ve got so much I wanted to say. It let me save the first one and now the bastard won’t let me send any more. I’ll just write here what I was going to leave;

“It’s exactly that stance which I find hard to understand – surely the citizens of Iraq are not going to be better off when being bombed by one of the world’s super powers. The USA have managed to assassinate political leaders before without waging war, and could easily dispose of Saddam in this way. The fact that the USA (and Britain, we’re not blameless in any way) have admitted that they are targeting the oil fields, supposedly in order to use money from the sale of oil to implement a regime change under the supervision of the US government, when in reality this money will go back to the US and UK via the debts which Iraq owes, suggests to me that the welfare of the Iraqi citizens is not the main motivation behind this war. Also, one of the companies poised to buy the oil was home to Cheney before he became vice-president – all these facts make it seem to me as if this war is a lot more oil-orientated than anything else. I fully support the troops, and I believe that the only way of showing our support is to bring them home, instead of allowing them to act as cheap money-grabbing labour for manipulative leaders, and risking their lives for a cause which 76% of the British public (I don’t know about American) are against.”

Then I said a lot of nice stuff relating to your entry. In reply to your notes back to me, I’d better write about that here too, because it still won’t let me save notes.

Okay. I still disagree that the Iraqi peoples will be better off after the war, because a large amount of them will be dead. I’d just like to make clear the fact that because I oppose the war, does not mean I support Saddam or his regime in any way. I just believe that a war without the support of the UN, and against the Nuremburg Principles, is an illegal war, and the US are not above the law, whatever Bush may think. The Americans didn’t give a damn about the Kurds Saddam has been gassing for years, until they realised they could use them as an excuse for reasserting their control over the Middle East. Everyone is aware of the terrible conditions which Saddam has inflicted on the Iraqi citizens, but a lot of emotive propaganda about their awful lives isn’t going justify this war.

I wish Lelly was arguing instead of me. Because she’s so much better. I know what I mean, I just don’t seem to be able to write it eloquently enough. Never mind.

Okay, enough about the war now. I have to go to school in eleven minutes, and am as yet still not dressed. I wanted to wash my hair before I went too, but got entangled in political discussions, dammit. Never mind.

I get to see Rose today, I haven’t seen her for a while. She went to York on Tuesday, and UEA on Wednesday, so I haven’t seen her since Monday (and yes, that is a long time!). She’s going to Bristol this weekend as well. But I’m staying at hers on Friday night 🙂

Oh, and Katy – I will send your prezzie! I will! I’m sorry, it’s so late. I’ll try and send it today, no promises though.

Ok, well lots of love to you all, I’m going to be late if I don’t leave soon,


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March 27, 2003

You’re doing a far better job than me: I seriously can’t get my head around all this! I usually end up going but… war’s mean and leaving it at that. But I agree with everything you say. And wish I’d said it first! Love you heaps. Lelly xXx

Yay! Present! I like presents! Stupid war. It makes everyone argue. Like me and my dad. And you and whoever this entry was to. Leave me a note please – no-one has on my last entry except someone I don’t know. Love Katyxx

I have to admit it was probably fairly weak wine. In fact, wine is even taking it too far. It was lambrusco and bucks fizz. 7 glasses is still a fair bit though. I am thinking of opening a clinic for ! mark addicts. Called !’s anonymous. You can be my first (only) member. Love Katyx

Either you got your information about the UK and the USA targeting the oil fields to sell the oil in order to help along the regime change from faulty source, or even the most liberal of American media outlets have censored it, which I find hard to believe. I’m not saying it’s not true, I’m just saying I have heard no mention of either governent admitting to it by any news source in the States.

I do trust that you aren’t just pulling things out of the air, and because I trust what you’re saying to be true, I’m VERY surprised. Bush should know that if he steals oil from the people he won’t stand a chance at re-election. I think we’ll have to wait and see how this one plays out. As for how many people support the war here in the States, the most recent polls are saying about two-thirds.

As for “the Americans didn’t give a damn about the Kurds…” You’re right, our government didn’t give a damn, and for that I have no defense. We were wrong, we should’ve done something. Countries only seem to want to get involved in foreign affairs to defend themselves, very rarely do they go out of their way to protect other people. It’s a shame, but all countries do it.

Bush is doing what he thinks is necessary to prevent another attack on the scale of September 11, 2001. Blair seems to agree with him. Even if you disagree with Blair, you’ve gotta admit that he’s got some serious guts to go against the country like that for what he believes in. I know that’s not what politicians are supposed to do, but still. But I won’t change your mind nor you mine.Good Night:)

if we were in parliment and you said that then i would probably stand up and clap. if i could be bothered. but i thought about clapping and the thought counts. i know what you mean about thinking it but not being able to say it… i have that problem. have fun avec rose on friday (“,) love muchly xxxx

March 29, 2003

war..noo..don’t like it. i can’t help reading about it though. just a few days ago i was reading about the casualties so far. it makes me sad.