like a fish out of water

I’m not sure what Otis Redding is doing in my Avril Lavigne folder. I think I’ll take him out – he must be feeling pretty out of place.

Isn’t this song great? I love Norah Jones. You must all run and download.. Download children!

I spent yesterday and last night at Rose’s house – Rachael was there too which was really nice, because she’s never been a ‘friend’ as in a ‘doing things outside of school friend’ before. She and Rose went to the same secondary school, which is how they know each other.

Rose’s dad and her dad’s girlfriend made dinner for us all (him, her, Rose, Rachael, Ellen (Rose’s sister) and I), and we sat and ate it while watching Midsomer Murders. We all then watched Pearl Harbour – that film is so cheesy – the Americans rewriting history. Then Rose went to bed and Rachael and I watched Ever After, which is such a romantic film. Its so sweet. Drew Barrymore’s English accent is a bit odd though. I said to Rachael ‘Why do they have to have American actresses putting on English accents, why not just have an English actress? There are plenty of good English actresses’ – and then couldn’t think of one example. Rachael suggested Kate Beckinsale. She has a degree in French and Russian literature, you know.

I came home today to find that Diane has bought a cello. Does she play the cello, you may ask? Well, no. It was a bit of a whim. She announced one day that, as she had always wanted to learn the cello as a girl, that she was now going to buy one and learn. A pretty expensive whim, if you ask me. I think she’ll do it though – learn I mean. I’m not sure how successful it’ll be though. I’m already better than her having never touched a cello before in my life. Mind you, the torturous years of violin lessons have stood me in good stead.

I’ve got so many exams. I keep thinking – perhaps I should revise? But there’s so many more interesting things to do. Like, anything else.

I finished Daniel Deronda last night! It just.. ended. I turned the page and there was no more. I completely fell in love with Daniel though, even if he was almost annoyingly perfect. He pined so after Mirah, it was really sweet. And of course she loved him all along, and.. sorry.. I’m giving the ending away. But go and read it. I think Northanger Abbey is the next book on my list.

I think I’m going to go and murder some more pieces on the cello. I’m starting to understand how bad it must have been for Diane when I was starting the violin. It takes an awful long time to get a nice sound out of one of those things…



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Random Note Spree! Have A Nice Day! 🙂 -Ice

I’m with you about the revision, WHY are exams straight after Christmas? Who thought that one up?!?

ryn: i could well live without beef and pork but i think chicken may be my one downfall :’o( i had my mock exams before christmas and i had time off timetable to “revise” as well but good luck all the same!! and good luck with having to listen to the cello, i have a feeling you’re really gonna need it!

Hey, isn’t ‘like’ annoying! And once you’ve noticed you use it loads you can’t help but notice EVERY time you say it!! Grrr! Thanks for your note! And good luck with your exams – although revision seems pointless!

RYN:Ahhaaa its the dido girl again! i think i keep gettin drunk so that i’m too hung over to revise!

January 5, 2003

I heard Northanger Abbey is good, though I’ve never read it myself. I love Norah Jones, I dled most of the songs off her album, they’re great :0)

January 6, 2003

Kate Winslet. Judi Dench. Ummmm. I’m sure there’s many many more. I have a sudden whim to learn the ukalale. (spelt…?) Me and Diane could form a band of whims. Love you.

You see, you avoid chemistry revision by doing things. I’ve been avoiding it by sitting. And doing nothing else. I’ve been sitting for 2 1/2 weeks now. It’s very worrying. i will ring later Katyx

Hey it made me giggle!

Woohoo!! I’m not the only one with embarrassing crushes!!! Although Will Young isn’t that embarrassing, he looks quite nice on his new album!

Theres just The Flirt and The Perfect Man (otherwise known as J!). But still, a girls gotta keep her options open! And the free alcohol thing I’m not impressed about either! Plus its now 6 hours since I texted him and no reply! Oops, think I’ve blown this one!

Oh yes. I LOVE Ever After. So does my son, surprsingly. Although he uses it as his *video to fall asleep by*, so maybe he doesn’t love it all that much? LOL Anyway, have fun learning the cello- I’m GOING to learn the guitar one of these days! 🙂

I agree with you on the Pearl Harbor movie, I don’t get why the motion picture industry insists on re-writing history to avoid offending people. Good luck on the exams!

I think Laura died! To be honest I’m a bad fan myself and only started watching again last week! BUT still the biggest Hollyoaks fan in the world! hehe! I understand about the Will album – great um music! Same reason I want the Darius one!

I wish I could tell you what CD it was but I can’t remember!! I went through a big CD buying phase and got so many that they all blurred into one!

How can you be so cruel about the lovely Darius!! Who would have guessed what lay beneath all the hair! And indeed spooky simultaneous noting! Hmmmmm, freaky!!

Maths revision, dissertations! When did we start being responsible adults! Are Y7 not scary? I’m terrified of them over the age of 10! and I want to be a teacher, deary me! Anyway, yes, dissertation, I’m heading that way right now. Via the fridge. Taking a shortcut past the TV with a final stop off on the internet! V xxx