Told ya I could read

So I started re-reading (hyphenated, yeaaaaa) Diary of a Drug Fiend, by Aliester Crowley. Crowley was considered the most dangerous man in the world at the time and the devil. He was the first to establish the Rule “Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.” I wanted to read some book that laid out his philosophy cause he was really kinda LaVeys inspiration, although LaVey always kinda makes mention that he hates him. But this is a novel he wrote. Although Im pretty sure its based on his life and I think one of the smaller charecters is suppsed to be Crowley. Anywhodalidoodle, its about a couple who fall in love and travel through europe in a haze of heroin and cocaine, post world war 1. Its mad crazy I never noticed how beautifully written it was before. I have a lotta respect fer this weiner.

“It’s only too ghastly true- that most of those we see walking about, and eating, and drinking, and dancing, are really dead- ‘dead in trespasses and sins,’ as my old uncle used to say- in the sin of not knowing themselves to be Stars, True and Living Gods Most High-“

I sighed with sadness. I, too, was a dead soul- and I had given up the Lord of Resurrection that morning. I saw the spirit of heroin to-day when I went up to the magic room. It is tremendously tall and thin, with tattered rags fluttering around it, and these turn into little birds that fly off it, that come and burrow in one’s skin.

So be it, I wonder what these birds will do so far from their mother- and what shall I do when they become hungry? Perhaps this is preparation for the next world, let the birds build ther nests in my liver until I have a dead body to match my dead soul.”

Isnt that pretty. You god damn right. See Im here to educate not just entertain. Just like the football players on the commercials where they help out some loser kid. Thats me, givin back to the community

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October 22, 2003

ryn. i understand

October 22, 2003

Sir, you have succeeded in educating and entertaining. I congradulate you.

Wow, sounds like a cool book. I like his ideas… kewl kid. Ohhh baby RYN me again.. but harder and faster next time… whoooo

“It is tremendously tall and thin, with tattered rags fluttering around it, and these turn into little birds that fly off it, that come and burrow in one’s skin. ” – that’s beautiful – probably an amazingly accurate description of addiction. neat – breelash

October 23, 2003

ooh ooh, EDUtainment!!! haha, yeaaaah i had to whip that word right outta the air, aren’t i clever. crowley facsinates me, he’s such a character. not to mention he designed a gorgeous tarot deck. anyway.

If you taught a class, I’d go.