This isnt the real title

The real title is Things I would say to the people who work at Chipotle if they were wrapping my fajita and totally broke it and then said to me in a spanish accent, "Dont open this side of the foil.  Here, I draw you an arrow.  Sorry, the Tortilla broke.." and I didnt like them.  But I dont say that to them cause I do like them and if I sass them they wouldnt serve me anymore and then Id most likely starve.
1.  Well, ya best march your ass back to the begining Guadaloupe and make me a new one before I call the fuckin INS.
2.  ….Well that first one was the only one I had.

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June 4, 2005

you have a cock? shiz i didnt know that… i guess that means im attracted to you… now thats sad… i never thought i’d lower my standards that much… *goes and sinks into a depression whilst making jello molds* you aint so smart, and its your turn to email me now do it ~ Heather

June 4, 2005

Its Guadelupe stupid. Learn how to spell if you’re gonna bash on another person and culture. Lina

Hi, this is Lina’s cousin, Melissa. >> Anyways, down to business. Number 1: SHAVE! Number 2: Stop being a dumb boy. I read your diary mister and it’s definetly on the dumb boy scale. >< Number 3: Um, oh yea, SHAVE. Tata! -Melissa <3 ^-^

wow yer noters are f8ckin stupid. except this one, of course. er. BAH! heh, the other day in sears, I was remarking, after a conversation with our Hispanic lil Salesperson that “Jose is nowhere in sight!” and my new girlperson gasps and goes “ANONYMOUS NOTER! DONT CALL HIM THAT!”

and I was all “calm down, yo, that’s his NAME, I seen it on his NAME TAG, geez.” end of story. over. out.

June 6, 2005
June 8, 2005

um… do not a-listen to the dumb noters! yer diary is perfect… except for yer colors… YER COLORS SUCK LIKE A MONKEY ON A SHOPPING SPREE!

June 13, 2005

we had a guy like yelling ut as at a taco bell drive through…and -he- was hispanic and my bf’s mom’s bf was too and he was driving and he told her to call the police…the guy heard INS and ran like hell..and we were just waiting for a food and I was just like wtf? yeah. Uhm. CHEESE.