The Snozberries taste like Snozberries!

Someone stayed here last night and after work when I was walkin up to my house I saw they were sleepin in my bed. So I thought of this great prank, but since I just thought of it I couldnt really do it, but next time.

So what I do is walk up to my window right and when I see the person is pre-occupied, watchin tv or sleepin er somethin, I throw on a ski mask, creep up to the window slowly…and then heave a cinder block through the window. Then I immediatly pull out a gun and start firing in the air while screamin “ILL KILL ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!”

Ahhhh oh my thatd be comical.

“HA! Oh man you shoulda seen yer face! You were all like HOL…”


“…..Oh fuckin sorry Miss cant take a joke! Grow the fuck up.”


Woot…heres a Simpson qoute…more like a scenario I suppose.

“Look at those idiots. I paid my taxes over a year ago.”
“What is it sweetie. Did you see a scary picture in your picture book?”
“That was last years taxes, you have to pay again this year.”
“…..Noooooo, cause I went ahead and….year wise I was counting forward so….DAMNIT!”

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Anndy yer so dumb…where do you think of this stuff… even tho yer pretty cool and junk you scare me sometimes… Ha! Im in Florida where it is warm…well kinda…warmer than where you are I guess… so er yeah…much love hugs and kisses to ya


February 4, 2004

ERRRRR SOMETHING. i dunno. is it possible to play tweasers as a musical instrument? cause that’d be bitchin. ~ heather

what? WHAT? kurt warner’s pretty damn good motherfreakers who CARES if he reads his Bible too much what a good QB can’t have good morals nad values and whatnot? I mean come onnnnnnnnn you anti-Christian mofo yankees holy cow. if he was ISLAMIC or JEWISH or some shit there’d be all kinda crap about this on the news. motherweiner.

hahaha I said nad.

February 5, 2004

thought you would say something like “whose been sleeping in my bed Biotch” than shoot them. anndy where have you been all my life, dont elude me, i heart you. =P

February 6, 2004

ha. anndy, i want to kidnapped you, and hold you as my prisoner, forcing you to say stupidly funny things to make me laugh. and maybe afterwards… (monty python here)a good spanking. then…the oral sex!