The hardest part of any entry is a title

Man if I was on stage right now at an open mic poetry night Id just go up there and sigh. Say yea…this guy knows what Im talkin bout. Am I right fella. Werd. Then Id call the wiatress order, and order him a drink. Id grab the mic and my drink and say, heres to you….eatin my boot. Then BAM boot to the nose.

Sum bitch would never see it comin. Then Id scream take that jew! The audience would be stunned. And from the two doors in the back a flood of black men in militant clothin would stream through and surround him. Wed all stare at this guy. At this point itd be so quiet you could hear a monkey get eatin by a lion. But thats a bad example cause thats probably a loud scenerio. And implausible, monkeys can climb trees.

So at this point people would be afraid. Thered be tension. The black men lookin to me as if awaitin a werd to turn this into breakin coverage on the local networks. Then Id smile and say, Im just kiddin, yer allright. The sigh in the audience would be audible, and this poor guy, busted lip, and on the verge of tears would let out the longest deepest breath and still shake with adrenaline even after everythings allright.

Then from the stage, Id pee on him.

And that my friends….is poetry.

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May 27, 2004

aesome. what about a parapalegic monkey?

hmm. this crossword puzzle’s difficult. what’s a five letter word for SHUT THE HELL UP, MORON!!

May 28, 2004

ur right…that IS poetry. now heres a question i found on a survey: would you stab a paraplegic in the leg if he paid you a dollar? and you kno whats sad? my answer was “anndy would” now how sad is that? kinda funny…but sad sad saddd. no i dont kno whats sad about it but see thats the funny part. oh hey i have this thing called a diary…you should check it out sometime ~ heather

May 28, 2004

That’s not only poetry, it’s deep man. Deep.

May 28, 2004

I think the word the second noter is looking for is “Shush” I’m not sure if it’s a word but it works for me.

May 28, 2004

Oh and yeah, you forgot to say “Butterfly” so that poem sucks.

May 28, 2004

peeing is an art

May 28, 2004

can’t lions climb trees?

May 30, 2004

speaking of. . . tell your mom i said hi.

June 1, 2004

read. now. it’s a new month…soon anndy, soon.

carrie IS the girl cookin, stupid. my best best friend in the whole world and people tell us we’re sisters. haa when I read carrie…first thought was god damn is he makin a motherf8ckin sex in the city reference cuz damn if I ain’t goan kick his ass fer that. meh.

June 2, 2004

where the hell do you get off not writing another entry?!! damnit!! you get rigt on that right now!!!!. . right now!!!! now!!!!! i said now!!!!!!!