So this is an entry

Alright.  Alright listen fuckers.  Im doing ok with my life.  But Im bored.  Im bored at work; honestly, my advice to the company is either gimme something to run with or let me go.  I should fucking run, or write, or do yoga, or something with my personal life.  Complacency man.  I have a good job, I dont need to do anything more and that’s what Im going with apparently.  Its fuckin lame.  I need a challenge or something.  Oh yeah, listen to my podcast, 3 pleasant gentlemen on itunes, podomatic, or sticher.  Ranked number…lets say…4 on the comedy podcasts.  Right behind Adam Corolla.  

So Im bored.  This is theraputic to me.  Im learning shit by typing this out.  Took the day off work cause I have a months worth of vacation time banked and I recently switched positions.  Project Manager.  I mean what the fuck even is that?  I guess it beats unemployment.  But Im trapped man.  House, kid, another kid on the way.  Just gotta fuckin tow the line and get that paycheck.  So im not living paycheck to paycheck like I really really didnt want to.  But Im just bored.  

Got my few bros, on accounta thats the way I am.  I fucking deeply care for some people, fuck everyone else.  4 broads, 6 dudes.  Everyone else can kinda eat a dick.  And the thing is is that this boredom kinda just puts me in self destruct mode.  And ya know I guess one way to look at it is that I conquered what was put in front of me with my job.  I mean, manager of 50+ people at a fortune 500 company, thats pretty ok when ya step back and think about it.  Still bored though.  And it almost feels like attrition.  I kinda feel like anyone who has been at their job for 5+ years is gonna advance.  But hey man, whatever.  I gotta figure out what to do going forward.  

Actually, I mean what are ya gonna do, I live a comfortable life.  I mean maybe its a grass is greener thing, but I aint happy.  I feel like I coulda done more.  And Im not sure I have the motivation to try anymore.  This just might be where I am.  Thats too bad.  I thought I could do more.  Maybe I still will, but I aint feeling it.  I like that this sites still around.  I met some good solid folks on here.  Facebook is for lames, follow me on twitter, olddeadtree, or listen to my podcast 3 pleasant gentlemen.  Alright, Im done now.  Thats what she said.  


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March 19, 2013

I understand boredom but am not nearly as successful in my career as you are. You have to do things in your personal life that fulfill you. I should take my own advice.

March 23, 2013

Geez this hits home way too much. I’m terrified that I’m going to eventually look back at my life and go “wtf did I do?” I’m not really proud of anything… That’s terrible. At least you have kids. That’s something to be proud of. I’m trying to start over. I applied to nursing school. I’ll probably hate that too, but maybe I can at least be proud of that right? Being a grownup stinks.