Out with the old in with the new


Ohhhhh lawd. First off its cold in here. If there was a person in charge of that I would fire his probably black ass. Secondly when I woke up today….like fuck, if I was on Jeopardy and the final question was what day is it, Ida looked at the guy next to mes paper. Yea thats right guy. The girl on the other side of me just wrote “When I forget to do the dishes my husband hits me, but I deserve it, its the only way Ill learn.”

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck what a night jesus. Lost friends and made new ones. Almost taken to detox. Fuckin Erin cryin her sister cryin some Jesse kid cryin. JEsse my room mate meetin some kid who used to bully him and buyin him a drink, me meetin some fatty I used to bully and him buyin me a drink.

Went to the town I grew up in, which is a fuckin hole in the earth cant even buy food in that god damn town. Every town circlin it is big but that place is like a black hole where people cant escape and commerve cant enter. But they can drink. . Went to a beer festival there. $3.00 Pitchers. Then after that closed we all went to the bar. IT was like a high scool reunion. And poor Erin I feel so bad I was just hittin on two chicks HARD and got there numbers, all grabbin at one, had her on my lap just like hey baby maybe you shoudl come over tonight will watch a movie no big deal, and then gettin ready to leave and then rememberin that Erin was like right there at the other side of the bar. Which is why I love Jesse. Erin sittin next to Jesse starts cryin and Jesse waits fer about 10 seconds and then says “….Im goin to another bar” Thats horrible though I feel bad about that, poor girl.

So I tell Erins sister, lets go, drive us. And shes like well I wanna talk to my boyfriend er somethin, and me bein the fuckin cute hilarious guy I am, is like Ya know Angie its not always about you ok? You gotta start thinkin of other people. And she got pissed at me. Crazy, what a weiner. I mean thats just what I do.

So we walk on some construction road and its pourin rain and fer no reason Jesse just full on shoves Guenther into this ditch of mud. Dont remember gettin to my moms house. Annnnnnnnd etc. And to prove what a good guy I am I am gonna throw away the two numbers. But that one chicks hot oh my god I sooo coulda had her. Meh, I could have anyone. I dont think this girlfriend things werkin out fer me.

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April 25, 2004

meep meep

April 25, 2004

heh…you need some man lovin anndy. im tellin ya. come on over. ill make you holla. hehe. and dude….bring some booze k? cos im gonna get tore up. heel yeah. and leave the mustache on.

HA! I wasn’t even going to read this, just make fun of your gay title. HA! Poor Guenther. THINK ABOUT THE BABY, JESSE! I mean really.

April 25, 2004

A.N.N.D.Y.: Artificial Networked Neohuman Designed for Yelling

oh yeah and I didn’t leave the gay ‘meep’ note, neither. LOVE!

April 26, 2004

omg, a relevant title! *faints*

April 26, 2004

i rebel against your horrid colors. REBEL! oh, and i loved the entry. i laughed. but softy-laughing, cuz if you laugh real loud in a library, they give you mean looks, and shush you. then you scream BIZZOTCH ARE YOU SHUSHIN ME, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??? and you get the police called on you, and they take you away. or at least, i’m guessing that’s what happens. !Jus(t)

April 27, 2004

oooh i like ur colors…it proves ur not gay…if you were gay they would match…and ur straight…so they are glaringly *ooooh more than one syllable go me* straight and non *ahem* homosexual….oops i said homo…sorry…PANCAKES ~ heather