No More Tequilla for Tony

So today the girl at my job who I planned on havin sex with quit. That just sucks. It seems like all the time now I mesh with some girl when I start a job who is always just painfully hot, and I think Im gonna have sex with her…That lucky lucky girl. And then they quit or get fired. Its just not fair. I feel like a lil kid…Im never gonna have sex with anybody hmph.

And I probably coulda had sex with her by now if she was a smoker. Cause we smokers bond yo. Fer a half hour a day were outside talkin about inportant shit and you clean lunged fuckers are talkin about whatever the hell it is you dirty bastards talk about. Probably us and how to further oppress us. You fucks. And it might sound a lil conceeded but anyone who spends 10 minutes with me either wants to have sex with me or kill me. Then after an hour they just wanna kill me. Annnnnywho di li doodle. Many a dirty unholy fantasy will never come to pass.

Yesterday I saw a movie. A movie youve probably heard a lot about. A movie about one mans sacrifice and eventual triumph. You all probably know Im a pretty cynical person but honestly this movie touched me. Of course Im speaking of the movie Bats. Lou Diamond (Labamba) Phillips shows what one man can do in the face of persecution by mutant bats created by the government as a secret weapon. …When will men learn. Forgive them for they knew not what they did.

All I know is I was in a sold out theater for a movie with subtitles. A movie that doesnt star Adam Sandler or Rob Schneider, movies that ironically make me question the exsistence of god in the first place, cause honestly….what god could allow a movie like Mr. Deeds.

And most importantly, I got to spend two hours without being assaulted and raped by advertising at every turn. Two hours without a Pepsi logo or Nike Swish. Heavenly.

the path of least resistance is what makes the river crooked
makes it serpentine
capitalism is the devil
is the devil’s wet dream

I predict this movie is gonna have the same effect as September 11th or the surge of Support our Troops. people will vacantly talk about it, go to church on Sunday and in three weeks everything will be back to normal.

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March 8, 2004

i’m sorry all these ppl that you wanna share the hot anndy love with quit and all…maybe you should nail them right when you see em so that your assured they dont run away. so is it possible to have more than one birthday? bc if so then im 98 tomorrow and hot damn ur cute ~ heather

March 8, 2004

yes i AM tryin to confuse you and no your NOT my ice weasel in “that way”. ~ heather

March 8, 2004

im sorry i put a curse on you when all the women wanna have sex with you they just leave. no goodbyes or nothing. im a witch and a bitch, meow. that movie was on TV last night, you paid to see it! you rich jue =P

March 8, 2004

how many times do i have to offer to have sex with you? quit bitching about it! its here if you want it. you know it. and umm…ill give you nachos…:P

March 8, 2004

yummy – sex – never had it.. but I sorta want it

man, cats are stupid. so are ferrets. and pirahnas. F8CKIN ZOO YOU LIVE IN, AIN’T IT? Jesusssss H. upside down BATS that was a crappy movie, yo.

know what would be weird? if tony was the name of one of your animals. and I just guessed it. Cuz I’m good like that. I’m good like other things, too. But I’m good like that.

ooooooooooh go get outlaws and dreamers by Dick Gaughan

March 9, 2004

It really is true that smokers unite. Every single friend that I’ve made in college was because I’m a smoker… or because I room with a psychotic freak from hell. I’ve also come to the conclusion that the only things I like are things that mock other things. I think it’s a cynic thing. ie: Movies that make fun of other things. Less than three. <3

whatever tony would be a f8ckin awesome name for a pirahhna. especially once you killed them. tony the tuna is dead…we buried him with the OTHER fishes. see, tony the tuna would be his mafia nickname…get it? GET IT?

annnnd why would you wanna have sex with a non-smoker, anyway? iccccccckypoodoodle.

March 10, 2004

ryn- my computer is broken… completely… all I can do is sign on aim… but it’s really hard to talk to people on it plus i’m really cool and everyone loves me and constantly calling me to hang out and whatnot… so I’m never around. I was thinking about calling you the other day, and then… um… i didn’t. Anyway… bye.

Anndy saw the Passion! I want to kill you while having sex.