Mooooo cow….fatty

Heres what I was thinkin. I was playin scrabble with this girls mom, weird huh, bet she wants me, nah just kiddin of course she wants me, so we saw this thing about drug laws and shes like tougher drug laws wont discourage drug use. But I was thinkin, and maybe I should first point out Im really smart, so I was like what if the federal govt turned the DEA into an ominous sorta thought police and anybody who was suspected of drug use, or even associatin with a drug user were declared enemy combatants, have there rights as a citizen forfieted without trial, and esentially just disappear. That would dissaude people from usin drugs. But do the ends justify the means? And thats the problem with mandatory minimums and the drug war. Its also reasons like that that show why Im so smart and such an independent outside the box thinker. So there. *spanish accent* Take that home to your mother for Sunday dinner! Then she went down on me while I laid down 6 syllable obscure words.

Part of that storys true and part I made up, but Im not gonna tell which is which, cause Im a fuckin mystery baby wooo!

I was also thinkin man if yer homeless in Hawaii, its like yer still in Hawaii. Makes ya think…yea….yea.

And another thing, so me and this girl Michelle, most gulliable girl Ive ever met, were layin around watchin tv, and I start liftin her head and get this deep thought look while examinin it. And shes like what are ya doin? Here Ill write it out in narrative form.
What are ya doin?

Im checkin the weight of yer head to see if were compatible.
Havent ya ever heard of that. Its pretty standard, people have bee doin it fer like hundreds of years, there was a whole chapter on it in my pschology class.
….Na uh.
Fer real. Man yer heads really light.
Well here try again I was kinda holdin it up.
….hmmm….yea….yea, see now it seems to heavy, thats not good.
(Just dead serious) Whats that mean? Here maybe I was pushin down try again.
Yeaaaaaa, I dont know feel my head, see how it seems perfectly ample for my frame? See I just always figured yer head would be like that, so I guess Im a lil dissapointed.
I started doin different rigorous tests, like touchin my thumbs together, then puttin my hands around her skull, and then real intelligent lookin show her the gap between my index fingers and offer no explanation just was like, see, see what Im talkin bout.
That went on fer about another five minutes. Oh good times, its the lil things.

30 second Bush ad


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January 5, 2004

boo i love you! hey you never told us what you got her and what she got you for x mas. dork! = D. your sooo smart it makes me ache for you =P

January 5, 2004

my head is light….wait what? what head? yeah. cool. wooot i agree. hey what. holy piddle batman. ~ heather

god damn that’s funny poor michelle my skin is CRAWLING with the thought of your diseased Jewish fingers touching MY head and Maui flooded whilst I was there so being homeless woulda sucked and we actually got hit up by a homeless guy and gave him five bucks true story TRUE STORY this is the longest note in my own personal note history AND I STILL HAVE ROOM look at me goooooooooooooooooo

that was just a way so you can actually touch a real girl and not the blow up dolls you have under your bed, drawers, and closet. laters lina

January 6, 2004

i didnt read it, srry. me and drayton broke up. i hate me~JUs

January 6, 2004

dude i love you and yer mysterious pimpyness. but some broad stole ya. damn.

ryn: what like YOU could answer any questions about orson welles? what do you even KNOW about him? idiot. why do I even bother with you?

annnnnd yer stupid first link takes too damn long to load, so I dint wait it out. and the second link dint work. SO THERE, F*CKER!!