Let them eat cake

Yea so, I dont really write in here anymore apparently.  Know why?  Shut up!  Thats why.  But even with all the political issues that are enough to give you an aneurysm if you think about em,

"So no one will be held accountable for this?"

"No.  In fact, if history has proved anything they’ll be hard pressed to find enough medals to pin to everyone.  Actually, the head of FEMA is to be dipped in bronze and handed out as an award to the head of other departments."

This one stood out most of all.  I dont think anything sums up the gap between the prosperous few, the restless many, and the plunge to third worldization.  Barbara Bush talking about the people from MS and LA who have potentially lost everything, everything, everything.  Again and literally everything.  The people who couldnt evacuate because they either had no means to do so, or were barely scraping by working full time (US, nation with the largest percentage of population working full time and living below the poverty line) that they had to make the choice to spend the very meager savings they had to get out knowing that when they get back if nothing happened they’d be left with nothing via foreclosure of their homes because they would have spent their mortgage payment to get out (It takes two missed payments to begin foreclosure of a home and the house will go to sale in 28 days after that in non judicial foreclosure states like LA, so thats 90 days to come up with 2 mortgage payments) or they could stay behind and hope theyd be ok. 

So viewing pictures of people crammed into the Astrodome, where the lights never go out, babies never stop crying, they have no idea what they’re going to do next, friends dead, homes gone, cots feet from each other, Barbara Bush said;

 "Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them"  Yup.  So let them eat cake.  And then she went home to her mansion.

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September 10, 2005

well said.

September 11, 2005

Apparently all those people are going around and stealing from people around here. And I heard that alot of the ones who where put at KellyUSA here in San Antonio, have left that one of the hangers. You should pretend to be from New Orleans and get $2,000 from FEMA, hope you are enjoying football season, and email me more ya bastard.

Dude, she really said that? And damn, what an insightful entry by someone who’s never been there, I’m serious. I dunno if I coulda said things that well, and I love that place. Yeah, so. Smallville rules! Werd.