Kerry,carries….My vote…ha! Its a pun ya fuck

Ive had bad news. Ive very bad news. Life is bad now. I can not get ahead fer even one day. Ya know all I fuckin wanted to do th….Meh

I went to John Kerrys rally the other night. Meh Hes a badass. Although I did ask one simple question about some fuckin quote he gave about how hes not afraid to go after companies that put there headquarters in an offshore island so they can profit from the tax loopholes. Accounts fer 1B a year by the way….Im tryin not to go into a political rant, So anyways I asked how hes gonna do that and his MN some important office er other said by givin companies incentive to hire workers here, which was really not about my question at all but ok, so I asked what kind, he said by givin them tax incentives, Which means tax breaks, I asked who picks up the taxes they dont pay, he gave an answer that was long and by the way I specified you dont have to be in depth just briefly explain, so that means the middle and lower class, then I asked about unionization, and he said that some of the reason companies go abroad is cause workers (Still not talkin about my original question) dont have to pay higher wages. Which…by the way…is pretty fuckin obvious. So then I reitterated what he said with multi billion dollar multi nation corporations get tax breaks for keepin there buisness here and we get to pay there taxes and theyll pay a step above lowest common denominator wages. Then he gave me a pamphlet.

So there ya go. But still, I like Kerry. And Im not a democrat. Im a republicanm if only the republicans would be, and a libretarian because they wont. But I like what hes voted on, and Im goin to the Edwards conference tommorw.

And another thing, there aint nothin worse then a chatty bitch with a lil bit of political knowledge Blah blah blah, Good point now onto…And blah blah blah..right so….blah blah blah….Bitch everyone agreed, point taken now shut the fuck up.

And my version of hell is bein in a room full of people when someone gives out a phone number. 651-431-7306….What is it……651-431-7306….Could you say that number agin 651-431-73..AHHH FUCKIN CHRIST I KNOW IT BY HEART NOW! FUCK COME ON!!!

Ya know when I got home, I was to depressed, honest to god, I was too depressed to drink. But LAWD HAVE MERCY I have found the strength.
But the point of this entry is I punched my boss. She was ….YEA SHE…was like Were gonna need you to stay late toni…BAM! Screamed later sucker and ran out the door.

Then as she was gettin back up and started sayin oh my god that was the wierdest thing. I fuckin ran in. And punched her again.

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February 27, 2004

nice f*cker

You’re my hero, did you know that? Meh, just thought I’d mention it again incase you forgot…Im gonna go to Disney World…so there, screw you too, you said I was too far away from it, now Im gonna be there so bite me backwards? lol… Im still writing you a musical…Im determined to finish it…lol-Anne

February 29, 2004

oh man ya kno what? i dunno screw it. ice weasels…ur my ice weasel bc well no one else wanted to be and i figured you fit the description…erm ice weasel/ integalactic space pimp…same difference right? F*CKIN A UR DAMN STRAIGHT. er ur not straight im so the queen of peanuts. ~ HEATHER

nothin’ worse than a pretty boy with a lil bit of political knowledge spoutin’ it off in an incoherent rant with a hiiiiideous puke green background.

You suck because you are rude; furthermore, your diary colors make my eyes bleed. FOAD asshole

hahhaaaaa a derogatory anonymous note! and it wasn’t even ME, ya bastard! heh heh. youuuuu big fat weiner

March 2, 2004

I’m not really sure if I couldn’t understand that entry because it made no sense, or if it’s because I’ve cooked my brain to a new level of incoherance.

wow. you werked reely jard (Spanish fer ‘hard’) on that last note, yo. My dawg tole me she hatez u. go there. NOW!