In gay training

Hoooooooooooly Shit.  I cant believe Carrie cheated on Adin.  I have watched the second and half of the third season of Sex and the city this ewekend and it has sucked the testoterone outta me like a soul sucker sucks a soul, hence there mua fuckin names. 

Yup.  Crazy.  With a K.  Krazy.  Thats pretty fuckin crazy.  Had a salad and watched sex and city.  And its like damnit Im gay now.  And I dont wanna have sex with men.  Its hard bein gay nd not bein attracted to men. 

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Lmao, that’s great, I’ll masculine ya up lol – it involves a creme horn and a freshly caught goldfish. & some other stuff I won’t mention here lol

quick! watch scarface! hurry!

April 18, 2004

your broken gotta take you back to the store….

April 18, 2004

Maybe it’s all a symptom of your shoulder vagina.

April 18, 2004

hmmm. this takes all the fun out of chasing you. oh well. come on over and ill teach you all about the…you know. YOU KNOW! dont you? man i hope so. or this is a waste of my time. anywho come on over and ill make you holla. lol.

Ive been saying you were gay for years….

April 19, 2004

*hands ya a beer and a manwich* eat damnit, i can’t take you bein gay!! i have too many gay friends that i can’t let you corrupt!! but i love you anyway.

hahaha the gay guy said this takes all the fun outta chasin you haaaaaa sometimes I think .. sleeping is boring. and a waste of time! life is short! I’m never gonna do it again! NEVER! and then I fall asleep.

meh just old stuff right now more new stuff latah

yeah, ya homo…keep readin, those poems are in there. and I’m in the process a transferrin poems inTO the diary from a dis…blaaaah blah need new stuff

April 20, 2004

isn’t is??? hey, i’m gonna bug you out… lalalalalalalala and many more to come. i am JeSuS. i am, i said so. now we are good. no we’re not, you hate me! or doooo you? S&C is… not my show. what about Angel?

April 20, 2004

oh man even IVE never watched sex and the city….but the gay thing…yeshh thats gotta be real HARD to be gay and not like men like that..but are you sure you dont? ~ heather

April 22, 2004

Yes. i’m so happy for you Anndy. remeber that one conversation we had when you told me you were gay? you know, the one where you told me not to tell anyone yet? . . . hell yeah. I’m just glad you’re finally out, man. Bravo, Anndy. Bravo. Dude, really. . . i could just cry. oh!!! I know a guy that’s totally perfect for you!! holy shit!! and he’s even into, you know, “homely girls”.