I’ll teach you for whistlin on the sabbath!

Ya know normally Id be interested in hearin about how Saddam was captured….but its Sunday…11 AM. Pre game time. And some things are sacred goat damnit. Ya know theres several 24 hour news channels, if you dont got cable, fuck ya, go buy a paper. Thats my motto. That should be the motto fer CNN. James Earl Jones saying “24 hour news…If you dont have cable, fuck you.”

So now I have to sit here and watch sucky bitch ass ESPN. Instead of hearin Marino or Sanders or Jimmy Kimmel talk about matchups, I gotta see ESPN pull some random black guy out of an alley and lead him into the studio with elusive promises of food if he talks about football.

And now Bushs dumb monkey ass is talkin. What a weiner. God I hate Bush. Blah blah if the fuckin presidents gonna break into network tv around noon on a Sunday he better be talkin about Favre in some context. YEa actually fuck it why not, with the creation of The Ministry of Makin Shit Up, just fuckin tie it all together and say Favre was a die hard Saddam supporter and we brought the sum bitch down. Shake a poor kids hand to prove povertys a big issue fer ya, give some soldiers some turkey before ya cut their benefits and pay, and squint real hard to make it look like yer thinkin before ya point to a country on a map and say destroy that. Do that and have Fox News entertainment play it on a continuous loop and get off the networks on Sundays durin game or Simpsons time. Fucker.

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I think it’s a scam, personally. on the 27th OOPS he’ll excape and oh no we’ll be plunged back into despair, but isn’t this nice, right in time for xmas? sheeeeeeeeit. I’m watchin the stupid cowboys game cuz me ma likes em. Blah. blah blah blah blah I’m fillin up this WHOLE note box cuz that’s my right as an American, darnit so um….okay nothin else, really. I’m the little car – peace out – J Mc

Hey there pretty! Guess what! I hung out all day with Andy, (the one I told you bout with black and pink hair) then we went to Mike and Darlynn’s house and we listened to Blink 182’s new cd…its good…Andy was playin guitar and we got him a book with over 1000 sexual positions…it was great! lol… Talk to you later pretty… -Anne

December 15, 2003

down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with bush down with…ahh! thought police! they got me! no no no, not room 101!!

December 16, 2003

freak =P