Holidaaay! Celebraaate! Holidaaay!

MERRY  CHRISTMAS!  The time of year where I wonder whod win in a fight, my cat, or a penguin.  Gotta go with the penguin.  Beak and slapper fins.  I just think that beats the claws and teeth.  Then again ya never really know.  I think I could take a penguin though.  I could probably take my cat too.  Shes not much of a fighter though.  Like sometimes I wake up and shes looking at me so I punch her.  She never retaliates. 

I plan on doing that with my kids.  Having em wake up to see me standing above em, fist cocked, “Merry Christmas!!”  Then pop, shot to the nose.  And thatd be a good family tradition.  Tag team.  Me against my son then he picks either the cat or the penguin to be on his team  and I take the other.  We alternate between who picks first every other year.  Wed fight in a manger on the front lawn and charge two bits a gander, with three minute rounds.  The ox and ram would keep time pa rum pa pa pah.

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December 25, 2004

OH ANNDY! YOUR BACK! MY SEX GOD! *faints* WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I MISSED YOU WITH EVERY PARTICLE OF MY BEING! you sexy thing my life has been a shambles A SHAMBLES! since youve been tragically gone i need an emmy…i just made you think i liked you. *bows*. nah i’ve been wonderin if u died or sum’in. and of course i love you even though you not gay. where’ve ya been ninja? ~ heather

December 25, 2004

Happy Hanukkah late buddy forgot to mention that last week. =) my lil hebrew hammer! mwah! but merry x mas to you also. which ever you choose =P

December 25, 2004

Criminy, some chick thinks YOUR Jesus or something, *notice first note* ryn: I know you love me, because if you didn’t, i’d still smack you around.

December 26, 2004

RYN: My puppy is a girl, therefore I wouldn’t name her Gary. But thanks for the input! luv and pickles,

December 26, 2004

Ryn: Shhh… Don’t let the Llamas hear that. They’re plotting against me and they’ll come do things to you that only norwegian crossdressers would. o.o

December 31, 2004

*points up* do they deny that you are jesus? LAWD LAWD SAVE US IFFA ANNDY AINTA JESUS! bitch now you ask me where i’ve been ~ heather

December 31, 2004

but anndy….cat’s are faster, and penguins can’t fly…and honestly…cats eat rats…and what do rats eat?????? *taps your head* cheese…and we ALL know the importance of cheese. never bother with the penguin….cats are badass. they were once worshipped as gods and they have never forgotten it.

December 31, 2004

*giggle* Tahnks for the card! It was the funniest thing ever! “I know I yam!” hahahahahhaha… Today I peed my pants in a restaurant because I laughed so hard. True story, yo. It sucked, but it’s a funny story. I miss you. Why aren’t you ever around anymore??? Oh wait….that’s me. Sorry about that. I think of you sometimes when I am having butterfingers and beer. 🙂

January 2, 2005

mixin bizness with leather, homework with…who? very good sir. see your not the only one with a typed accent SLUT. i hate myspace.com….why? cause i do. fcuk *hehe fcuk* you. do you also find the term “erector set” funny? “and one day cale my man we’ll have monkeys by the thousands and kiwis between our toes” ~ heather

January 4, 2005

i… YER COLORS SUCK! THEY MAKE MY EYES HURT! THE PENGUIN WILL DIE!!!!!! YER COLORS WILL MAKE THE SPEDS AT THE ONE LUNCH TABLE HAVE A SEIZERE! (fer serious…the lady told us) haven’t been on in a while…so i must tell you a lot how much yer colors HURT MY EYES.

February 1, 2005

hey wait, did you die?