I got a new job. Dope. Kinda fat. Not super fat. Just my new lowered standards fat. Like if you were datin a pudgy midget, and then you started dating a girl with no legs. Its a step up. Or a crawl up I guess. Which reminds me.

Whats the opposite of Christopher Reeves……
Christopher Walken.

Thats fuckin funny. And its ok cause Christopher Reeves is a friend of mine and he was the one who told me it. Know whats pissin me off lately?

….Well…..do ya fucker. People fuckin appologizin fer everything jeeeesus christ. Fuckin pussies, Like moveon.org, they had a contest where anybody could submit a 30 second commercial about Bush, and two of the 13,500 compared Bush to Hitler. And oh jesus all hell broke loose *sob* “we are…..so… *sob* offended…Im sorry Im tearing up a little”, and Move on issued a big we are just so deeply sorry. Fuckin pussies the lot of em. Since fuckin when did how people react to what you say trump what you have a right to say.

My favorite car sticker “I don’t give a fuck if your offended.”

On to the why Im better than you segment….I was up in the cities the other day and drove by the ice palace. Its built across the street from a homeless shelter. Maybe Im incrediably cynical, but expending all that time, energy, and effort to erect (heh, erect) somethin that in two weeks turns into a puddle, while the whole time lookin across the street at the people who hope people dont empty their cats liter box into their garbage so the food will still be edible, seems like mixed up priorities.

See, you wouldnta thought of that. And you wouldnt have expressed it so elequently. And thats why…Im better than you.

I have super glue on my hands.

I think femminists should start callin each other Vagians. FELLOW VAGIANS…hear me know as we march to liberate ourselves from peniaucracy. Fuckin femminists. “I know your a femminist and I think thats adorabel, but this is grown up time and I’m the man.”

Here I wrote a song

I enjoy

Pfft pfft pfft
Someons coming down the hall
pfft pfft pfft
Fuck you
With your denim
My pants are ill like venom

You think your the big cheese?
suck my fat cheddar
I gots it goin on
with my chord sweater

Pfft pfft pfft
Fuck you

Yea sometimes my chords get holes
and sometimes
well sometimes

You fall in love

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February 6, 2004


you have a cord sweater? fag. and he is NOT trying too hard. he doesn’t need to try. unlike some people we all know and love. I try my damndest NOT to think about the children we would’ve had together. Makes it too hard to get through the day. B. I really am sorry if I offended you. Please please forgive me and I beg your mercy, Oh Anndy.

you smelly dummy boy, stop lying to everyone saying that you’re smart, because you’re not. laters lina

February 6, 2004

Yer crashing and burning….

February 6, 2004

ryn. you dont like nipple slips? ya freakoid! i got 2 guys f*ckin a watermelon but im sure you dont wanna see that….or do you? you know what the means? that dont mean nuttin, f*ckin biotch. your all gooey and stuff, love made you sick boy. ya freak!

February 6, 2004

ps- you suck donkey balls =P

I think you are the greatest. 🙂

Yo dude, one word… http://www.engrish.com – yo, it rox so much. (we need to talk! I have a stalkerish psycho ex and… secret something I cannot say outloud lol…) Take Care brotha…

February 7, 2004

you are a whore. and i love your whorish-ness. i wish to lick you. or not. but i shall eat the nuns. HIIIIIII YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ACCEPT MY HEARTWARMING GIFT OF TREE SCRATCHIES! I ABSOLVE THEE!!! get off my car! *meow* oh sorry. ~Jus

February 7, 2004

lost and lonely man. pfft? the noise of the excellence. jones soda is the shiit. errr something like that. i have little faces on my panties. so if my name was heatherxxxxxxx you would say hang out with me? bitchin. ~ heather EYEBALLS EVERYWHERE