Fuck yea! Oregon Trail

Dude!  Original Oregon Trail with Emulator.  http://classicgaming.gamespy.com/View.php?view=GameMuseum.Detail&id=266
Erin and my sons Rock and Stick died from Dysentary, always with the dysentary, but I made it to Oregon.  Yay?  I was sad about Stick, but Rock was never quite right anyways.  He had that gimp arm and made that clicking noise with his jaw when he ate bear.  And the books.  Always with books. 

"Boy, get your face outta that word paper and shoot something!" I’d scream before slapping him repeatedly.  Truth be told I killed in his sleep.  One less mouth to feed.  You have to make hard decisions on the trail.  We burried him next to the Blue Mountains and marked his grave with a meager headstone we found.  His mother was broken up about it.  Uncosolable.  She died shortly thereafter of a broken heart.  A broken heart and Dysentary.  Then I turned the wagon around and went back to pee on Rock’s grave.  I never liked him.  We lost 3 days and Stick broke an arm, again, you have to make hard choices on the trail.  Then I commited incest with my daughter, Daughter.  Incest was a matter of convience in those days.

What action will you take?

1. Continue on the trail

2. Change pace

3. Change rations

4. Touch Daughter

5. Hunt for food

See ya in Eugene bitches

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October 5, 2008

My favorite thing to do on Oregon Trail is to find wild fruit, and then name it “Tom” You’re still alive! Sweet! …someone said that to me recently and I was like “…thanks?” so I’m passing on the horrible compliment. Don’t you feel lucky?

October 23, 2008

I must agree with the note above! Though it is a horrible compliment, it was the same thought that crossed my mind! You really ARE alive! 🙂

Seems to me that someone is having a birthday in the next couple days…hope it’s a good one! <3

November 26, 2008

you’re such a freak, lol! i’m glad to see that you’re still alive but you’re oregon trail family can’t say the same. hoped you had a great birthday, mine sucked. write again in here soon! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!! Lina

touch your daughter, definitely. I bet she’s hot. and will be even MORE sore when she’s out of diapers.