Dude go Wolves right, yea thats right

Wooo Wolves. Woooooooo. Mannnnn, I hope the wolves win the championship. I am just lookin fer a reason to loot and riot. I guess….I guess in a way….its what Ive been lookin for….my whole life. Im not gonna lie to ya, cause yer worth more to me than that…but I teared up a lil there.

Ya know the college hockey team has won the championship like three years in a row er somethin, and every year its a lil bitch riot. Oh someone knocked down a lamp post, and they make it out to be a big thing on the news. Like, We interupt the presidents state of the union address for this important news bulletin.

Chris Connagla (real newscasters name, and everytime they ask him how he is on the 6 o’clock news he answers Connaglas just Connaglin muthafucka!) comin at you live from the NBC News CENTER. Breakin news tonight as our own Bill Moyer, who has been followin the aftermath of the Gophers national victory celebration is live at the scene, Bill.

Bill: Connaaaaaaaaaaaangla!

The Connangler: *beats chest* Werd

Bill: Chris, I am standin here in front of the downed light post, and city officials are still discussin the best way to recover from the utter chaos that ensued.

Worker: Now see I thought he liked Tammy

Different Worker: Noooo Tammy left him for Roger at Sarah’s Christening.

Worker: NOO

Different Worker: Oh yea, you didnt hear about that?

Now see if this was fuckin Detroit, just fer makin it to the Western conference finals, thered a been casualites. But I mean thats Detroit. Thats why they were able to become the motor city capital of the USA, cause they had a can do spirit.

So all I really want is fer the Wolves to win a championship. Cause flip over a car on a random Tuesday, its a felony and a night in detox. Flip over a car after yer team won the championship its,



….Allright, go Wolves.

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woo hoo.. first note! GO ME! SCORE…. I love reading yer diarys when all my friends tell me they hate me. It cheers me up bud… werd. My teacher yelled at me fer saying werd the other day…wtf! I gotta go…start a water fight…love and hugs -Anne

May 20, 2004

yeaah! go wolves!

May 20, 2004

haahahhaha awesome.

May 20, 2004

id pay to see newscasters act all “brother” like. like “And now to my bro John on weather”. John: “Thank you shithead, Today the weather is gonna be CRUNK! so wear no cloths(This would flash at the bottom “exception of the fat women in the surrounding tri state area, HAVE to keep their cloths on”)!”

May 20, 2004

I don’t know sports – just wanted to drop you a line and say hi.

May 21, 2004

HEHEHEHEHEH go me! go me! dude go me! i dont kno the wolves personally or i’d cheer em on…so GO ME. haha i’m ever so pissed ~ heather

pff wolves suck. garnett needs to quit playin on his non-birthdays apparently. put me in coach, I’m ready to play…today! is it yer birthday, Garnett? …no…bu – THEN SIT YOUR FAT ASS BACK ON THAT BENCH AND WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR

May 22, 2004

genius. what about a random thursday?! BEHOLD! THE THERMO———-STAT! BEHOLD AS I ADJUST THE HEAT!

and don’t you f8ckin RYN me. like I don’t know what I f87ckin SAID to you already? shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

A wanton young lady of Wimley Reproached for not acting primly, Answered: “Heavens above! I know sex isn’t love, But it’s such an attractive facsimile.”