Cause its all about choice

It occured to me tonight, cause someone told me, I always seem to remember stuff when people tell me. It occured to me tonight that Im goin to the Jagermeister tour tommorow night. And I dont even like Jagermiester. Hows about that. Ohhhh the ironing. I knew a girl once though that that was all she could drink. True story.

Oh Anndy, you with yer stories, sometimes they seem so outrageous we can scarce believe them real.

Shut up.

Yea Jagermister tour, Slipknot, Fear Factory, and chimasucksomethin, and free Jag shots. Should be interestin, Jags like the ocean, ya gotta respect her.

Why would anyone care about this in the slightest? I dont know but whats important is I wish this guy was my dad.


So yes, good times. Never really saw Slipknot before. They were at Ozfest once and I had to choose between them and Primus, so I picked Primus. And ya know I guess….I guess thats what life is all about, choices. Its like choosin between apples and different apples.  And I dont like apples.  So in another more acurate way its nothin like that at all.

For as Buddha once said, “Im hungry”. Man that guy was a fatty. But I guess if you were to choose a savior based on if you had to sleep with him Id pick Buddha. Looks like a cuddler.

Log in to write a note

buddha. was not fat. that guy is not buddha. do more reasearch. lookit how good ican spell when I’m drunk.

It’s good to know some people listen and remember to what people tell them

Oh, and who’s THE guy?

April 21, 2004

it occurs to me that ur usually drunk when u do the od thing. which is not to say bad, but amusing to be sure.

April 21, 2004

ah you fu*kin suck for going to see em.

April 21, 2004

the person who left the first note spelled research wrong.

April 22, 2004

They have cool masks. I don’t like all the screamin though. I’m wussy folkie I know, but I’m wussy folkie with a sword so ooh, what now?

the person who left the first note was drunk, dammit! so spelling doesn’t count! f8ckers.

and, honestly, correcting somebody’s spelling on ANNDY’S DIARY!???! c’mon.

yeah. I signed it.

April 22, 2004

ironing….lol….yeah….haha. i’d so cuddle with buddha too…oh yeah….check my diary…i put a story on it…dont read the story…its bad… ~ heather

heh, Havent heard from you in a while… yeah… I’ve lost every intresting thing about me..but that’s okay… My friend is so obsessed with slipknot that it’s almost scary… Question: if you had to choose between Kanye West or the Misfits which would you choose? We got into a big discussion on the bus about it.. so? Take care…