Be the first in line to blow me

I hope thats on my tombstone someday. Outta pureeeeee boredom Im writin an entry. Thats pure not puree. Which seems to be the only time I write an entry. When Im bored not when somethin has to do with puree. Ive never tried puree anythin I dont think. Man thats just crazy. Boring (thats right, oh will he add a silent G or leave it off, Im just that mysterious…fucker) life, boring friends, boring boring boring.

Yup, pretty sure Im officially old.

Whys that Anndy

Mind yer fuckin buisness thats why. Huh, that a good answer? Fucker. But allright, first off Im bitter, but Ive always been bitter so that doesnt count, but I havent written a novel Im still livin in the place I hate I dont have a cult I havent created any signifigant social change I havent, pretty much you name it it hasnt been done by me, its been done by Michael Moore, Nader, or Manson. Then again, Fat, Old, Share the same birthday so ok in my book. Which I havent written. Why dont I have a book? Aside from the fact that the whole worlds against me. Other than that it should be a publishers dream. His sexy weird dream about three 16 year old cheerleaders, a mime and his granmother that he cant quite figure out and leaves him disturbed fer the whole day after he wakes up.

And now even I….my biggest fan, wonder, Anndy will yer stupid self amount to more than a post office job at best and hurry home to watch somethin like Will and Grace or a fuckin UPN show.

Cause I dont even want that Id rather be dead. Id rather die masturbatin on a chicken at a petting zoo and get my head head cut off by the katana of the japanese mafia, cause at least that makes a good obituary. NO! A great obituary.
But in any event its still just boring me, sitting around this boring state, going to boring school, and not havin a tv show.

Orrrrrr stupid somethin

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a. the golden tear song’s really pretty, good call. 2. you’re not your biggest fan. z. puree your arm like the tomato on Goonies. SlothLoveChunk – nsi

November 5, 2003

I’m sorry, did you want some pity? Here ::hands you some:: Will that do? I LOVE YOU!!! Less than three. <3

November 9, 2003

katana is fun. i like sharp objects. puree reminds me of when i used to work in a nursing home. ewww. at least you dont wipe poo off old people’s asses for a living.

November 12, 2003

mmm…sharp pointy objects… dude, you should just write a novel. if i say i’m naked would that motivate you?