A day without immigrants?

Blow me.  So millions of immigrants in the US protested to show their anger over immigration laws.  Ya know, this is a surprising stance for me to have, even for me cause I’m all zeny and peacey and human rightsey, but come on. 

What do we just pick and choose what laws we ignore now?  I mean alright, legal immigration, that’s fine.  Melting pot, thats fine too, but some attempt at assimilation would be nice.  But heysues, if someone has violated US law and is here illegally ya just say, "Wellllll there is a bunch of em."

So someone breaks the law, sneaks into the country.  Why would you not deport them?  I just dont understand the reasoning.  And this bullshit about oh well there taking jobs Americans wont take.  No.  No stupid.  The jobs need to be done.  So if there isn’t someone willing to do it for $3 an hour, no one wants to do the job but the job has to be done, then ya gotta pay more.  So then someone who is legally in the country, natural born or immigrated citizen does the job for a wage that theyre able to support their family with cause its a shitty job. 

Im just having a real hard time wrapping my brain around why there isnt some tone of shock about this mass protest story when its reported. 

And my ol lady (thats the old school derogatory right there) she yaps about "Yes but Anndy!  What you dont realize is that Mexicans have a much harder time obtaining legal citizenship than a European".  So?  So all law just goes out the window then?   Ya get to just pick and choose what laws ya want now?  I mean I got a fuckin parking ticket because my left front tire was on rocks instead of driveway.  I never paid that.  I think I have a warant because of that.  That’s a bad example.  The point is if ya got such a problem with who gets citizenship then fuckin do something about it.  Dont just turn your fuckin head and say yea illegal immigration is ok because the rules aren’t fair. 

So the news covers protests of people who are here illegaly.  People who have not earned the right to be in America are protesting America.  They take to the streets in our country to say our laws are wrong.  They fly Mexican flags while stating they have the right to be in America.  The La Raza movement is here to exploit America and take back lands for Mexico.  Granted, there’s a percentage who want to embrace America, but get legal citizenship or sorry but off ya fuckin go.  And if someone cares so much about the hypocrisy of who is allowed as a citizen, fuckin do somethin and dont just say wooooo, come on in.

The good news is with all the outsourcing and critical decline of the dollar against the euro and China, Japan, and Korea in talks to make a currency to rival the euro, 10 years from now no ones gonna come here lookin for work cause everywhere in the world is gonna pay $3 an hour.

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May 4, 2006

i could not agree more. isnt it so frustrating???