Things that go bump and make noise in the night….que the Hitchcock sound track
About a week or so after Christopher died, we were all on the main floor and I heard a noise. I walked around the house and when I walked into the kitchen I could tell that it was music I was hearing. But from where? As I started walking towards the garage door I passed the door to the basement and I realized that the music was coming from down there. SO I went down to see what was going on. Christopher had a HUGE love of music. He also had an amazing gift, he could play by ear. He played piano, sax and guitar. He would listen to a song and then go and play it. It was amazing to see and hear.
The music was coming from around his TV. The interesting thing is, there was no earthly reason for the music to be playing. The TV was turned off and his clock radio was not plugged in! And even more crazy for over a week music would sound from his bedroom (the basement) and it was always a different kind of music. When Christopher’s friends came to visit one day, they went white as ghosts when they heard it. Then went downstairs to find the source of the music. After searching everywhere, they all agreed the music was playing but there was no way it should be. One of his friends mentioned that it was the like the old country music from way back when and he said Christopher never listened to this. And yet, music came from the basement!
Many times when I was especially down and sad, I would ask for a sign from Christopher. Our thing was rainbows. Whenever he saw a rainbow when he was out, he would stop and take a picture of it and send it to me. Whether it was me seeing the rainbow or other people posting to my facebook page, I never failed to see or receive a photo of a rainbow. I have also been given a rainbow on very sunny days.
Michael died on Dec 1 2012. As we were leaving the wake I noticed a gift bag near where I was sitting. I mentioned it to my husband and he said it was a gift for me from a friend. It was a book, I believe it was called, Roses in December (I checked and that is the name of the book. I never read more than the authors notes, but what stayed with me was when she said, “God gives us memories so we might have roses in December”. That stayed with me. We live on the east coast of the country and it was pretty cold that December. One day, I was going somewhere with my youngest son (Dec 12th) and as I got into his truck and reached across to grab my seat belt, I stopped. My son starting teasing me about not moving the truck until I put my seatbelt on (I used to do that to him and his siblings whenever we went anywhere). I looked at him and he realized something was wrong and asked me what was wrong. Again, I just stared at my house. Finally, I found my voice and I asked him to tell me what he saw on the corner of the house. There, in full bloom, was a beautiful rose. Michael planted most of the shrubs and flowers around our house. He was gardener.
Another rose bloomed here on March 1 2013. Again, it was very cold both times, AND this time it was a different color. Signs from my son.
Yes indeed, signs from your sons. I do believe that things like this happen. When my father died (recently) I received a sign from him. I have some wind chimes in my home and they began chiming and swaying one night. I mean really loud and swaying back and forth forcefully. There was no wind. I checked to see if there had been an earthquake and there had not been. There is no logical explanation when it comes to the wind chimes. Dad always said he and Mom said if there was life after death, they would ring wind chimes. Isn’t that something! So I completely believe in the music you heard and the blooming roses that you saw. They were definitely signs from Christopher and Michael to let you know they are with you always. Here’s a rainbow for you.
. I love this: “God gives us memories so we might have roses in December” 
@wildrose_2 I love this quote as well. I don’t doubt the chimes were a sign for you, I love that you got to experience it as well. Gave me the chills for sure.
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