5 Things I am grateful for:
I am so very grateful that I am surrounded by people who love and even like me. I have the best friends and family.
I am grateful that I have the means to indulge in my greatest passion, books, books and more books.
I am grateful that we were able to figure out what is wrong with my health and find a fantastic doctor who has been able to get me somewhat stabilized. I even don’t mind driving to Boston every 3-6 months for follow-ups.
I am very grateful for being able to indulge my wanderlust and travel. My sister, brother and sister in law and myself are going to Ireland this Aug for two weeks. When I get back, I will be going to the Bahamas. Last month I went to Newport Coast Ca. I LOVE to travel.
I am grateful to my dogs. Actually, they aren’t really ours, one is my daughters (Maltese, sad to say, she died last July at 7 years old, and no I am not over that either) and the other is my son Michael’s dog, a Rat Terrier. They were the reason I got up every day, they gave me unconditional love. Also, whenever I am having a flare up of this disease, he starts crying//whining and comes over and pats my arms, then runs and gets someone. One time when my resting heart rate was almost 200 beats a minute, he got my husband and son, they then took me to the ER.
Adding an additional one because it is very important to me.
I am very grateful that I have my faith. Without that, I don’t know what I would do.
As an atheist, I’ll tell you that it really would be nice to have the comfort of religion.
By the way, they think I might have MCAS. They aren’t sure. Mine isn’t as bad as yours.
@scarletibis , Oh no, I hope you don’t. Have you had your tryptase levels tested? That is how they figured out what was wrong with me. It is higher than normal.
@stormwatcher I’m having that done this week. They say it might come back negative even if I have it. If it’s negative they’re doing the big pee test where you collect your urine for a week. Eww!
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Oh, I LOVE to travel too! Will you please, please, please write of, and write when, you are on your travels. Make sure to kiss the Blarney Stone when you are in Ireland and see the Ring of Kerry. I’ve never been to Ireland myself but I know of the Ring of Kerry because my name is Kerry. Isn’t it something that your dog know when you are ill physically. That he can sense it and even get someone to help you. The unconditional love that we receive from our pets is such a blessing and they are always there for us. They are good listeners. Do you know, I agree with you when it comes to faith making a big difference in ones life. When I was going through the worst of times, hope is what also got me through. Hugs!
@wildrose_2 In 2009 we all went to Ireland and we did the Ring of Kerry and there is NO way I would kiss the Blarney Stone, rumor has it, the lads pee on it. NO way am I hanging upside down either. But will post pictures from my trips.
@stormwatcher Lads pee on the Blarney Stone? I think I would pass that attraction up too.
. Looking forward to viewing the photos from your trips. In 2015 I went to Wisconsin for a family reunion and in 2016 I went on a Hawaiian cruise.. This year I’m going on a Pacific Northwestern trip – Washington State and Victoria, BC. My sister and I make for good travel companions.
@wildrose_2 The Northwestern trip sounds awesome. One day I want to drive down the Pacific Highway.
@stormwatcher I’ve driven the Pacific Highway because I live in California. It makes for a lovely drive and the ocean is spectacular. Want to make sure you know I left you a note on your previous entry. Don’t miss it.
@wildrose_2 We visited Newport Beach in March and we all loved it. I think I should have been born in California. For many years Michael, my daughter and myself went to Palm Springs, every single year. I hadn’t been back since he died. I wanted to go back to Palm Springs to confront my fears I guess, but couldn’t find a timeshare so we went to Newport. My husband, myself, our daughter and she brought a friend with her. It was really fun. One day, I have to go back to Palm Springs to the places we loved, me and Mikey, but I think I need to do it alone or with just my daughter.
@stormwatcher I’ve had lunch in Palm Springs. I hope someday you will be able to visit Palm Springs again.
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