2/15/06 ****EIT****

This Friday I am going to the Valley Forge Convention Center for an Irish Scottish Festival. My sister and I had seen the Womens Heart Tour with Mary Black recently and there was an Irish singer that we just fell in love with. Her voice is pure magic. her name is Maura O’Connell and she will be at the festival on Friday night.  My sister and her husband are going and said I could room with them, but hell, a night away, no hubby, no kids…..I’ll be damned if I sleep with them. Besides……………….he snores really. really loud and I haven’t been able to sleep much as it is, so it’ll be my own room for me, thank you very much…lol  They are staying until Sunday, but that is my daughter’s 14th birthday, so I want to be home for that.  Hopefully the picture I am trying to copy and paste of the festival will show up here…..


SO…if any OD’ers will be at the festival, let me know…….


How funny is this? You know how I looked for a job as a Medical Coder and couldn’t find one? DID I tell you how when my daughter grauates I want to move to a a warmer climate as LOATHE being cold?

Well, I got a call f rom a  recruiter and he was talking about a job as a MEdical Coder………..in South Carolina…..how funny is that?  Too bad I can’ really consider it………………..Oh well

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February 15, 2006

Oh that looks so fun! I so wish I could go. Have fun. hugs,

have a great time in valley forge!

February 16, 2006

I think it would be weird to room with my BIL too LOL. Have fun, that sounds great! A night away from the family is faboo! Brit is turning 14??? OMG! I am getting so OLD!! LOL Give her a birthday hug for me!

Wow, the festival will be bunches of fun! 🙂 Enjoy,

February 16, 2006

Isn’t Maura a wonder? I do like her stuff!

been right here…Valley Forge isnt far from me..enjoy the music

February 18, 2006

Saw your note at Ghostdancers. I’ve seen Maura perform many times. What a wonderful voice. Buy her CDs! And check out our local(ish) festival in Yosemite – http://www.strawberrymusic.com.

you didnt invite me!