
today i feel a bit better

i wouldnt say im happy, but i dnt feel horribly miserable

i feel sort of ‘delicate’ if anyone understands what i mean

i feel ok, but that the slightest thing can change that

i think that’s what happened yesterday, i txted tom n he didnt reply so i sent him another txt n he still didnt reply, n i got upset cuz i thought he couldnt be bothered to talk to me

actually he just had his phone in his pocket and it didnt have any reception so he hadnt actually got any txts from me

we had a nice day today yesterday, we went shopping together, it made me happy

the majority of the time, when im with him, im happy

i still feel lonely tho

i honestly feel that without him, and without his friends that im sharing, i have noone, i have no real friends of my own, it makes me sad

ive just finished my first year of uni, i should’ve made a lot of friends and somehow it just hasnt happened

where r all these friends that’ll be the best friends i ever make?

everyone else seems to have them, where are mine?


anyway, im gonna stop now, i dnt wanna make myself sad

thnx for all the notes as well everyone xxx


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