Take Two

So, that worked quite well yesterday, and I thought I’d give it another go today. Here goes then, another 15 minute entry. I will try to start where I left off so there is some kind of consistency and chronology, but I’m promising nothing!

So, I was talking about my job and how people have been getting redeployed, which has been really sad. However, it has had a good outcome for me because someone has had to train out all the processes that are migrating to Coventry. As I was fully trained on 3 processes that they needed to learn, I have spent much of the last few months with people who have come up from Coventry, training them on everything they need to know. This is not only a good opportunity for me to shine, but I’ve also come to the realisation that I LOVE training people, and think this is what I would like to do in the future. So it’s been a weird few months really – quite a strange atmosphere at work and quite sad and emotional with people starting to leave, but I’ve also been having a really good time training people. I do find it exhausting though – I’m not sure what it is about it, I think it must just be because it’s so different to a normal working day. Plus I talk a lot more than I usually do when I’m training. I also got to go down to Coventry last week to continue the training and provide support as the migration gets put into place. That was great – I actually got to go on a business trip, which made me feel very important! lol. I was really quite nervous about going, but it was really good. I went with my manager and she really looked after me, and everyone in the Coventry office was really friendly and welcoming too. So overall, it was a great experience and I’m really glad I got to go.

I’m on a week’s holiday from work this week (had to rearrange it actually, because I was supposed to be on holiday when people were coming up to train, but it worked out well for me because they gave me an extra day’s holiday because they’d messed me about!) When I go back to work I’m getting moved to a new team because all the work on my current team has now migrated to Coventry. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing on the new team because a lot of their work has also migrated, so fingers crossed I won’t just be opening post all day! Everyone keeps going on about it being ‘good for my development’ so hopefully they’ve got more in mind for me than that. Not quite sure though, and feeling a little apprehensive as I don’t really know (or like if I’m honest) many people on that team. And the only interesting or complex part of the processes they do, have migrated to Coventry, as far as I can see. So watch this space anyway, I should find out this time next week,

I think I may be pretty much caught up on work stuff now. Had some more issues with the woman on my team I mentioned before. She actually made me run to the toilet crying once(!), but it was all dealt with very well and we’re OK now, probably getting on better than ever before as we’re both making a bit more effort. Still not my most favourite person though! And I believe she’s getting moved to the new team with me as well so hurray! On the other hand, I think my team leader may be getting moved onto this new team, so that would be fantastic because I love my team leader. I’ve started having to have one-to-ones now I’m permanent and feel like we’ve got to know each other a bit more. He’s very supportive as well and generally tells me I’m great and helps me push myself to do new things and learn new skills. So I’m very happy with my boss – especially when you look at some of the other team leaders. He’s my third team leader now and definitely the best so far. So I would love for him to continue as my team leader, but we’ll see how things work out. I just hope I get to learn something new on this team, otherwise I’m going to be bored stiff.



Time up again! To be continued…

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April 17, 2012

what kind of work do you or your company do?