quick update

I have nothing to say, but it’s the end of the month and I haven’t written, so I must. This will be very quick and possibly not very understandable.

Was feeling quite low last week, but better this week. Have been trying positive thinking about work and Monday and Tuesday were really gd days. But I had a really crap day yesterday; it was rubbish and lasted forever. But today was a gd day again.

Tom and I tried to go to Riley’s to play poker, but no-one turned up, so that was also rubbish.

Tom bought me 2 (toy) dogs, called flossum and possum. They have big fluffy ears and are very nice. He’s also bought me Pokemon for my Nintendo, which I’m not so sure about, but I am yet to play on it.

It’s Tom’s birthday next Friday, but I don’t know what to get him.

Losing weight is going quite well – I’m down about 5 pounds at the moment.

And that’s about it.


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