quick catch-up

I went home at the weekend to see my parents, which was really nice. Went out for lunch and to the pub, and had time to see some friends as well. It was good, but all a bit rushed. Have to take some time off work so I can have a long weekend there next time.

I handed in my first essay for my Shakespeare course and got 84 for it so I’m quite pleased with that. Finished Taming of the Shrew now and just starting Romeo and Juliet. Still enjoying it.

I have a temp at work now who I am teaching to do my job so I can get trained to do other things on the team. I have learnt to do one other thing so far so I’m getting there. Still no permanent contract yet though.

I feel like I have loads of stuff to do at the moment and no time to do it. Losing a weekend by going home didn’t help. I’ve done some laundry, but still have mountains of ironing to do.

As you can probably tell, I have nothing really to say, but had to contribute my monthly entry.

Boring boring.


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