oh what a night

last night was madferit, the first union night of the year, also the first time ive been out since i got here, also the first time ive been out for so long, we went out once in the whole summer holidays, last night i couldnt remember how to dance!

tom and i had a bit of a mishap before we got to the union, the plan was to go to a few pubs and then head on to the uni, in the loaded dog, my eye was feeling a bit irritable so i rubbed it a bit and my contact lens fell out lol, thats never happened before, i sat there for a while umming and aahing about what to do, should i put it bak in? has anyone got any saline? but in the end it was starting to dry up on my finger so i had no choice, i could then only see out of one eye (thats seriously horrible) so i made tom go to the bathroom with me so i could take the other one out and then he could guide me bak down to the bar, i then spent the next half an hour not being able to see anything, i am technically shortsighted but to such a degree that u really dnt have to be very far away for me not to see u properly, so i could see raj who was sitting right next to me, everyone else were blurry

so tom agreed to take me home, i didnt want to walk because with all the extra walking i wouldnt be able to dance at madferit! i wanted to get a taxi but tom wouldnt let me get one of the ones waiting outside the pub in case any of our friends saw us and laughted at us (*rolls eyes*), its impossible to hail any other cabs so we get on a bus, we ask the driver if he goes to queens rd and he says yes, the bus sets off, its going to oadby clearly nowhere near queens rd, the driver seems to realise his mistake, says he doesnt go to queens rd but he’ll take a detour so we’re near, we get off the bus and have no idea where we are at all (especially me as i still cant see), we start walking and 5 mins later still arent recognising anything, i drag tom into a pub to ask how to get to queens rd, they say we’re miles away and we’ll need to get a taxi home, apparently there’s a queens rd in oadby too (even tho we made it clear to the driver which one we wanted), so we get a taxi and pay 5 pounds to get home, the driver tells us the road is actually queens street, its not even called the same thing, argh! it was a nightmare

when we got bak i really didnt feel like going out any more, but tom made me noodles and we snuggled up and watched qi (i love that programme), so i was in a bit of a better mood and we got ready and left after that

madferit was busier than i expected, but i saw about 3 groups other than us who were older than 1st year, they were all medic freshers! it was so hot as well, i dnt kno if its got hotter or if i just forgot how bad it was in there, and matt the medic was there with his very tall friend so everyone was very excited about that, and i got to dance, i love going out and dancing with the ppl here, theyre a lot of fun, and they played excellent cheesy music, it was a gd night despite all the rainy shittiness, i also wore my amazing new sexy brown boots that cost a small fortune and not only are they gorgeous but i can walk in them! hurray, altho my feet hurt today, matt n mike were off their faces, it was quite funny

this entry probably makes no sense, sorry there is no punctuation


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October 3, 2006

Your union is much better then the one in Soton, in some ways its even better then the one in Manchester! and thats a complete seperate building complex!