not a great day…

went into uni, had a class, boring and our teacher was working on the assumption that we hadnt yet done the work i rushed to get done last night when i could’ve been at the gym earlier and then walking to wetherspoons with everyone rather than on my own


anyway, then had an awful EPR (that means experimental participation requirement – as a psych student i have to take part in a certain amount of experiments in order to pass)

i wasnt allowed to wear glasses for it, had to wear my contacts so i wasnt looking forward to it as that obviously meant i was gonna have something right in my face

i had this thing put on my head which seemed to act as blinkers (yes, like on a horse) so that i could only look straight forward, also there were wires attached to it so i guess it was recording where my eyes looked but i didnt really understand

i then had to put my chin on a rest and they turned the lights off

i then looked at a black dot on a white screen

for forty-five minutes

so that was fun

didnt even get chocolate for it

then had to go and have a blood test

this is to see if i have high cholesterol, thats because my dad does, my dad does cuz he has angina so i dnt really wanna be told i have high cholesterol levels

but i dnt get scared at stuff like that, have never minded needles, no problems

i fainted

she chose which arm to use, stuck a needle in it, obviously missed the vein, poked around for a few minutes causing me quite a lot of pain, then said she couldnt get any blood out and so would have to try the other arm

i said ok, and then all of a sudden it wasnt ok

i said i felt faint and she asked me if i wanted to have a lie down (there was a bed in the room), i said yes so she helped me get up

i woke up on the floor lol

i then got moved to another room (having to have a sit down and a drink of water on the way) where i had to lie down and stay for half an hour before i was allowed to go home

even then tom had to come and meet me cuz i couldnt go on my own

it was all very dramatic and embarassing

i felt like a twat

and the worst thing is i have to go bak on monday for another blood test as they never managed to get any blood out of me!


oh well

im going out tonight


still havent got tickets, we’re gonna try n get them on the door

i have to go on my own with ellie (matt’s gf who doesnt spk lol) and meet everyone else there as theyre going straight from the rugby

its not gonna be fun

we’d better get in

and even if we do it’ll be totally manic, its gonna be so busy

and i cant get drunk first so thats gonna stress me out

we’d better win the bloody rugby, otherwise its gonna be horrible

also its open til 4am and we’re planning on getting there before 10 so we can get tickets

thats 6 hrs


anyway, should prolly do some work now, toodles


dontcha wish ur girlfriend was hot like me?

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