Nearly Christmas

I absolutely can’t wait for Christmas. Mostly because I get 2 weeks off work – woop! I bought Christmas cards that I need to write for people at work. And I bought wrapping paper so I can start wrapping my presents, but I don’t actually have any gift tags so I have since realised that I still can’t actually wrap anything up. I have both my secret santa presents ready (one for friends and one for work), and I think I’ve now bought everything else I needed to get. I’ve ordered so much stuff online that I really don’t know what I’m still waiting for any more. I have absolutely no money left now lol, oh well!

I had 3 days holiday I needed to use up before Christmas at work so I’ve been having 4 day weeks and getting to spend extra days with Tom, which has been really nice although we haven’t really managed to do anything. I wanted him to take me to Toys R Us, but he refused. We went to see the newbuild houses and it seems like we can afford one, but still both pretty uncertain about a mortgage,when neither of us are overly happy in our jobs. Tom wants to do a course, but doesn’t know what in. And I still have no idea what I want to do at all. I’m going to apply for a scheme with the NHS to train to be an accountant. It sounds amazing and I would love it, but I’d be surprised if I even get an interview. At work, they’ve apparently been talking about Jonathon (the telesales guy) doing Emma’s job while she’s away on maternity. If they offer it to him and not me, I’m going to hand in my notice. It will just be insulting if that happens.

I’ve been trying to find ways to make more money. I joined two websites where you get paid to take part in surveys, but they hardly ever invite me to do any so that could be a very slow process. I want to join (or try to) 63336, but there are no vacancies at the moment. And I’m going to start selling stuff on ebay – going to do some mini cross-stitches and turn them into coasters or something – see if I get any interest.

So yeah, that’s about it xxx

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