my weekend

I know that as usual I haven’t written for ages and probably have lots of things to update with, but I thought for once I would try something new and write about something current – ie, this weekend. It’s been quite nice so far – gorgeous weather I must say, which definitely helps, not that I’ve been outside much. Friday I actually had quite a good day at work. Usually Fridays are really really slow because it’s so quiet and you just end up sitting there doing nothing all day. This Friday though, Gail had the day off so it was just me and Steve in the office. We had a bit more than usual to do, but it was still pretty quiet so Steve let me do everything – I did all the quotes, all the writing up, processing, splitting and costing – Steve just checked my work. It meant that I was actually busy all day and it went nice and quickly. Plus it was pay day, which is always lovely! Tom actually had the day off for once so we went to the pub in the evening. We walked because it was such a nice day, which took about half an hour (largely because Tom took us on a ridiculous route), and it meant we got to have a drink together for once rather than one of us (usually me) having to drive. It was nice, we got to see Ben and Fee before they go on holiday (going to Majorca today – jealous!) and Robin was there who I love. So it was a nice night all in all, although I was knackered by the end of it.

Saturday, Tom was on a split shift so I didn’t get to see him much. I got up and put some laundry on then did the washing up (good little housewife). Then I read my book (How the Dead Live by Will Self) and waited for Tom to get up. Pretty soon he went to work so I made chocolate brownies (incidently – did you know I made lemon meringue pie last week? Hope you’re impressed!), which are yummy but insanely squidgy in the middle (really – almost runny – not sure if that’s just how they’re meant to be or not, but they taste good). I then hoovered the whole flat, but think I may have broken the hoover. I was just finishing the last room when I suddenly noticed a really horrible kind of burning smell and looking up noticed that the room was full of smoke. I had to rush to turn the vacuum cleaner off, which had got very hot, and open all the windows to let the smoke out. But it didn’t actually turn itself off or burst into flame or anything so maybe it will be ok. I also cleaned the bathroom (very good little housewife) and then read again until Tom got home at 3. He watched some football and then we tried to nap for a while, but it was too hot. We were going to have steak for dinner, but it was still frozen solid so we ended up having dominoes (naughty naughty) and then Tom went back to work. I did some work for my course – trying to get more into it again now as I have realised that even though I am now doing it over 24 weeks instead of 12 I am getting close to falling behind again. I spent most of the evening defrosting our freezer. We only have a tiny freezer compartment in the top of our fridge and a few months ago Tom broke the door to the freezer so it has been filling up with ice since then. We have just got hold of a new hinge for it though so I decided to defrost it while Tom was at work so he could put the new hinge on when he got home from work. It took about 3 hours and you wouldn’t believe the amount of ice that came out of it! By the time Tom got home at half midnight I was thoroughly pissed off with it, but it was pretty much done by then so I got to go to bed (and Tom even managed to sleep at the same time as me for once).

Today Tom wasn’t at work until 12 so I got to take him with me to do the weekly shop. This is a mixed blessing as he is helpful for carrying heavy bags but tends to be incredibly stressful to go round a supermarket with. Typical man, but today he was actually fine although we do seem to have spent a fortune. We came back, had a cup of tea together, and Tom watched Sky Sports News while I read (finished Will Self last night waiting for Tom to come home so I am now reading Every Day Gets a Little Closer – A Twice Told Therapy by Irvin Yalom), then Tom went off to work. Since then I have finished this week’s work for my course and for once I actually fully understood it and did quite well, so that was nice. I have been less of a good little housewife today although I have done another load of laundry and changed the bed, and later I suppose I will have to do that pile of ironing. At the moment I’m waiting for Tom to get home. He was supposed to be on until 6, but swapped to a split shift so he could watch the match. Which is obviously brilliant for me as I only get to see him for 2 and a half hours, and I have to endure the football – whoop!

Well, that’s my weekend so far – it’s been quite nice really although I could’ve done with seeing Tom more. There are probably lots of new developments I should be writing about, but I can’t be bothered to write any more after all that. Maybe another day.


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