
Tom and I are moving in together! At last!

We went to look at a few places to rent and found two places that we liked. One of them was a house that I fell a little bit in love with and in the end we decided to go for it, but when we rang up they’d just let it to someone else. So that was a bit depressing, but we talked about it and decided to go for the other one, which is a first floor flat in a block of about 15. It’s really nice – has a lovely kitchen and a nice bathroom, nice big living room, double bedroom with a built-in wardrobe and smaller second bedroom. We signed the contract today and move in next week! I can’t wait. At the moment, I’m alternating between being really really excited and really really stressed. Poor Tom. We got lots done today though and we’re nearly organised. We spent so much money today though – over two thousand pounds! We’ve ordered our bed, which is getting delivered next Saturday. We’ve already got a few other bits and pieces and our parents are going to pass on a lot of stuff to us. And we’ve made a massive list of things to Argos, so we’re pretty much there. Just need to start organising and packing things. I can’t decide whether to take some of Friday off work to do that. I think I’ll start this weekend and do bits in the evenings during the week and see how I get on. Eep, so exciting! And scary!

Other news –
Emma’s cover for her maternity leave has started. She had her first week this week just gone and has another two weeks before Emma goes. She seems to be getting on OK, but it’s a lot to take in and I can’t work out yet how much more work it’s going to leave me with once Emma’s gone. If it’s too much I think I’m going to ask Steve for more money – it’s not fair to give me a much bigger workload and expect me to pick up all the slack for no extra pay!
I’m not sure how my course is going. I’m still enjoying it, but I’ve gone from being really ahead to a little bit ahead to just about on track. And as I won’t really have any study time next weekend I’m worried about falling behind and all of a sudden the assessment doesn’t seem that far away! It’s not that big a deal as I can always defer, but if that happens I think it’ll work out that I’ll be about a week late with the assessment and have to wait 3 months before I can hand it in again. That would be a massive pain, but we’ll see, I might be fine. I intend to do a lot of studying tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes.

That’s about it.

(Eep – moving! )

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