long time no write

so, it’s been a while. the main thing going on in my life atm is exams, had one on monday and one yesterday and i have the last one on the 5th june. the first one went ok, but everyone else thought it was horrible so now i am a little unsure. the second was biological psychology so it was never going to go brilliantly but dear god it was horrible! they asked the worst questions possible. i wrote a page and a half for one question and for me that’s a real sign i dont know what im talking about; i never normally write less than 3 pages at the very minimum. it was just a big disaster, but everyone else thinks the same and surely they cant fail all of us? right??  god i hope i dont fail, i wouldnt kno how to deal with it and i cant bear the thought of having to revise all that crap again.

anyway, apart from that… well ive been feeling really unwell for months, feel really sick all the time, and it seems to have got worse in the last 2 or 3 weeks. i went to the doctor and they’ve given me a new contraceptive pill and told me to stop taking ibuprofen (not that i take it in excess but apparently it can irritate the stomach lining), but i am yet to start my new pill and at the moment still feel awful all the time. plus the fact that the stress of exams always makes me feel physically sick anyway *sigh*

so, happy news…um, we went to bingo last night and i won £20, yay. i had the first claim of the night lol. so im gonna go shopping today and spend it which should be fun. tom’s cat had kittens and they’re amazing, they are so cute, i really want one but my parents wont allow it (fair enough really, we have already got 5 cats)

tom and i were talking about holidays, he wants to go somewhere cultural and interesting where there’s lots to do, but i wanna go somewhere sunny with a pool lol slight conflict of interest. however, he said if my holiday’s not too expensive we can prolly do that and ive just found a week in lanzarote for £300, seems pretty gd to me

not really got anything else to say, which is a bit sad really as i havent written in so long

i saw someone reverse into a tree yesterday

that is all

xxx  xxx

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