it’s been a while…

so… havent been here for quite a long time…so much to say and im not really sure where to start

this could be quite a jumbled up entry

so…summer…went on lots of good holidays

first one was to lanzarote, that was amazing, went swimming and played tennis nearly every day, it was so nice, and it was so sunny all the time, i loved it, pure relaxation

that’s us at a crazy italian restaurant, that was a fun night, all the ppl who work there r mental and we happened to go on a night when italy were playing someone or other in the world cup

and this is us in front of our lovely pool, god, it was gorgeous

i also went to sidmouth folk festival with my mother; that was fun, more fun than i had anticipated; tom, dad and yvette came to stay for one night and it was lovely to have tommy with me, i didnt want him to go; also chumbawumba were there (yes, as in tubthumping)

and finally tommy and i went to brighton, that was also lovely, i had a wicked time, we spent most of our time on the pier lol, but it was so nice to be constantly with tom. andy also came to see us for the day and we played crazy golf with him (i lost, but i did get 2 holes-in-one) and had a meal together

so, holidays were gd, another highlight was a dinner party at ffion’s when we had to dress as famous musicians

im madonna and tom’s david bowie, in this photo we’re with chopin and dusty springfield, there was also buddy holly, johnny cash and the white stripes, dressing up was fun but the night wasnt that great lol

we also had a big house party called lukenfest, that was fun, altho not as gd as the original lukenfest

tom also had a house party, for me that was shit, but that’s for another entry…


and in bed…

those were the most exciting things of the summer i think, except for falling out with ppl and becoming sick of most of my friends…but thats something for another day

now im bak in leicester (and so glad)

im loving the new house, its fun so far… on the day we got here tom brought his massive tv for us to put in the living room and an old extension cable to plug it in… we blew a fuse lol and then couldnt work out how to turn it bak on, there was only one switch off and it didnt seem to move, so we left it not wanting to snap it off or ne thing, then rang our landlady who came round and it turns out its just stiff… that killed toms extension cable… the next day the power went off again but at least we knew what to do that time and it seems to have stopped now

went to a pub quiz on monday, the worst pub quiz in the world but we won… unfortunately we ended up winning a packet of crisps lol

went to see the kooks last night, i wasnt really looking forward to it but i had much more fun than i thought i would, twas a gd night, but we did so much walking, my legs still ache, i had to walk to the train station, from the train station in nottingham to the venue, from there to the bus station, and from the bus station in leicester bak here, with standing up for several hours and dancing in between, my feet felt like they were going to fall off

well, this entry is enormous, i shall leave now

toodles xxx

ps the other house had a gas leak on the day they got here

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